Standards Committee
Composition: Seven Councillors in political balance. Chair appointed by Full Council annually.
The Vice Chair to be appointed by the Committee, and to be from a different political group from the Chair.
Terms of Reference:
1.1 To assist the Council in fulfilling its duty under the Localism Act 2011 to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members and co-opted members of the Council.
1.2 To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of its Code of Conduct.
1.3 To monitor and advise the Council about the operation of its Code of Conduct in the light of best practice and any changes in the law.
1.4 To approve the arrangements for dealing with allegations that a Councillor or a Parish Councillor within the District has failed to comply with the relevant Councillors’ Code of Conduct.
1.5 To determine whether a Councillor or Parish Councillor has failed to comply with the relevant Code of Conduct.
1.6 Where the Committee finds that a failure to comply with the Code of Conduct has occurred, to determine what action, if any, to take and to apply the sanction or recommend to Council to apply an appropriate sanction.
1.7 To assist the Council with the appointment of Independent Persons as required by the Localism Act 2011.
1.8 To determine any request for a dispensation under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011, where not determined by the Monitoring Officer or to appeal against a determination by the Monitoring Officer.
1.9 To advise the Council on, and review as necessary, the arrangements for dealing with complaints or any local protocols regulating the conduct of Councillors and to deal with allegations of breach of any such protocol.
1.10 To consider reports referred by the Monitoring Officer, including the Annual Governance Statement submitted to the Audit Committee.
1.11 To respond, on behalf of the Council, to national reviews and consultations on standards related issues.
1.12 To consider and make recommendations to the Council on any other matter that may be referred to the Standards Committee relating to the conduct of Councillors.
1.13 To ensure decisions are politically neutral.
Support officer: Liz Bateson, Democratic Support - email