Part 2 – Section 4
Executive Arrangements and the Cabinet
1 Role of Cabinet
The Leader and Cabinet will carry out the Council’s executive functions. Functions that are not stated in the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) Regulations 2000 or in other legislation to be non-executive functions are, by default, executive functions.
1 Form and Composition
1.1 The Cabinet comprises the Leader of the Council together with up to nine other Councillors, all appointed by the Leader.
1.2 Neither the Leader nor any member of the Cabinet may be appointed to the Budget and Performance Panel nor any Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Panel or Task Group established by a Committee.
1.3 Neither the Mayor nor the Deputy Mayor may be elected as Leader or appointed to the Cabinet.
1.4 The Leader and members of the Cabinet can sit on any Committees of the Council (with the local exception that the Leader shall not sit on the Standards Committee), but members of the Cabinet should not be in a majority. Members of the Cabinet can chair any Committees of the Council.
1.5 The Leader decides the executive scheme of delegation and may authorise a Committee of Cabinet, Portfolio Holders, or Officers to exercise executive functions from time to time.
2 Functions of the Cabinet
2.1 The functions of the Cabinet shall be as follows:
(a) Within the Budget and Policy Framework set by Full Council, the Procedure Rules and the Financial Regulations, to discharge the Council’s executive powers, duties and responsibilities.
(b) On an annual basis, to draw up proposals for the City Council’s Revenue Budget, Capital Programme, Treasury Management Policy and Council Tax levels and in doing so to consult with the Budget and Performance Panel for consideration and determination by Full Council.
(c) To prepare draft Budget and Policy Framework documents and in so doing to consult with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and to include in its submission to the Full Council a statement of views received and the Cabinet response to those views.
(d) To approve or adopt non-development plan documents prepared under the Local Development Framework and to modify, revise, revoke or withdraw a Development Plan Document where such modification, revision, revocation or withdrawal is required to give effect to a direction of the Secretary of State under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; is recommended by a person carrying out an independent examination under Section 20 of the 2004 Act; or is authorised by a determination made by Full Council when approving or adopting the development plan document.
(e) To be responsible for promoting the economic, social and environmental well-being of the area.
(f) To refer to the Full Council for determination all matters which are not in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework adopted by the Full Council, except matters of urgency which shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedures set out in Part 3 section 4.
(g) To undertake a continuing review of the City Council’s broad policy objectives and priorities over the whole range of its functions and to secure a continuous review and evaluation of the effectiveness of services and demonstrate that the City Council is delivering those services in accordance with the principles of Best Value, calling upon the overview and scrutiny function to assist in that process as it considers appropriate.
(h) To report to the Full Council, at each scheduled meeting, on the proceedings of the Cabinet, including a summary of all Key Decisions taken.
(i) To report to the Full Council, where appropriate, on any matters which Council or Overview and Scrutiny Committee or Budget and Performance Panel have requested.
(j) The Leader and each member of the Cabinet will present a business progress report annually in writing to Council usually at the meeting preceding Annual Council.
(k) To take any urgent action necessary in the event of a civil emergency and to determine general policy matters at such times.
(l) To consider all Bills introduced into Parliament and all Acts passed, which affect the interests of the City Council, and pursue any changes in the law which it feels appropriate and make recommendations to the Full Council involving significant policy issues.
(m)To delegate executive functions, as appropriate, to Cabinet Committees, Joint Committees, other authorities, Portfolio Holders or Officers.
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