Agenda item

Appointments to Outside Bodies, Partnerships and Boards (Including Lancashire Police and Crime Panel)

Report of the Senior Manager, Democratic Support and Elections.


The Senior Manager, Democratic Support and Elections submitted a report to allow Council to consider its appointments to outside bodies, partnerships and boards.


Councillor Wood proposed, seconded by Councillor Gardiner:


“(1)    That the basis of all appointments remains the same as set out in the appendices to the report.


(2)     That Council makes appointments at this meeting to the outside bodies where the basis of appointment is determined to be by nomination and voting by Council


(3)     That Council notes the bodies in paragraph 4.0 of the report, which have either ceased to exist or have informed the Council that a representative is no longer required.”



The Mayor asked for clarification regarding the basis of appointment to the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel and The Dukes, which had not been determined. Councillor Wood and his seconder agreed that the proposition intended to include both those bodies as appointments to be determined by nomination and voting by Council.


Councillor Brookes then proposed the following amendment, which was accepted by Councillor Wood and Councillor Gardiner as a friendly amendment:


“That the six places on the Board of Trustees of the Lancaster Charities be appointed to in approximate proportionality of two Labour, two Green, one Liberal Democrat and one Conservative. If one of the seats is not filled it is to go to a vote at Council.”


A vote was taken on the proposition which was clearly carried.


The Mayor then went through the list of appointments, seeking nominations for the Arnside and Silverdale AONB first.


Councillor Greenwell was nominated by Councillor Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Peter Jackson. Councillor Brookes then nominated Councillor Tyldesley, seconded by Councillor Riches. With 14 votes for Councillor Greenwell and 15 votes for Councillor Tyldesley, the Mayor declared Councillor Tyldesley appointed.


For the Board of Lancaster District Chamber of Commerce, Councillor Wood nominated Councillor Potter, seconded by Councillor Hartley. There being no further nominations, Councillor Potter was appointed. 


The following members were appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Lancaster Charity, all nominated by Councillor Wood and seconded by Councillor Brookes. Councillors Brookes, Budden, Cozler, McGregor, Pritchard and Redfern.


For the Forest of Bowland AONB Advisory Committee, Councillor Tynan was nominated by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Dowding. Councillor Pritchard was nominated by Councillor Peter Jackson, seconded by Councillor Blaikie. Councillor Colbridge was nominated by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Hall. With 14 votes for Councillor Tynan, 7 votes for Councillor Pritchard and 22 votes for Councillor Colbridge, Councillor Pritchard dropped out and a second vote was taken. With 14 votes for Councillor Tynan and 24 votes for Councillor Colbridge, the Mayor declared Councillor Colbridge appointed to the Forest of Bowland AONB Advisory Committee.


For the Furness Line Community Railway Partnership, Councillor Greenwell was nominated by Councillor Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Blaikie. Councillor Paul Gardner was nominated by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Belcher. Councillor Greenwell received 22 votes, Councillor Paul Gardner received 21 votes. Councillor Greenwell was appointed to the Furness Line Community Railway Partnership.


Nominations were taken for the George Fox School Educational Charity. Councillor Hall was the only nomination, put forward by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Ainscough.  Councillor Hall was appointed to the Charity.


Nine places were available on the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council. Members were nominated as follows: Councillor Wood put forward Councillors Cleet, Hanson, Hartley, Pattison, Potter and Wood, seconded by Councillor Hanna. Councillor Pritchard nominated Councillors Greenwell and Hart, seconded by Councillor Blaikie. Councillor Dowding nominated Councillor Lenox, seconded by Councillor Brookes. The Mayor declared Councillors Cleet, Greenwell, Hanson, Hart, Hartley, Lenox, Pattison, Potter and Wood appointed to the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council.


For the James Bond/Henry Welch Trust, Councillor Thornberry was put forward by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Redfern. There being no further nominations, Councillor Thornberry was appointed to the Trust.


For the Lancaster and Skipton Rail User Group (LASRUG), Councillor Hamish Mills, and Councillor Blaikie and Councillor Paul Gardner were nominated; Councillor Hamish Mills by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Fish, Councillor Blaikie by Councillor Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Hart and Councillor Paul Gardner by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Hartley. 14 votes were cast in favour of Councillor Hamish Mills. Councillor Blaikie received 7 votes and Councillor Paul Gardner received 21 votes. For the second round of voting, Councillor Blaikie dropped out and the result was 14 votes for Councillor Hamish Mills and 21 votes for Councillor Paul Gardner. The Mayor declared Councillor Paul Gardner appointed to LASRUG.


The next outside body appointment was the Lancaster Canal Regeneration Partnership. Councillor McGowan was nominated by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Lenox. There being no further nominations, Councillor McGowan was appointed to the Partnership.


One non-cabinet place was available on the Lancaster Community Fund Grants Panel. There were two nominations made. Councillor Pattison was nominated by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Ainscough. Councillor Punshon was nominated by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Riches. With 22 votes for Councillor Pattison and 14 votes for Councillor Punshon, Councillor Pattison was appointed.


Regarding Lancaster District CVS, Councillor Thornberry was nominated by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Redfern. Councillor Stubbins was nominated by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Sommerville. Councillor Thornberry received 22 votes, Councillor Stubbins received 15 votes. Councillor Thornberry was duly appointed.


Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Wilkinson, nominated Councillor Punshon for the Lancaster Ripley Church of England Education Trust. There were no further nominations at this point and Councillor Punshon was appointed.


The next appointment was to the Lancashire County Council Health Scrutiny Committee. This was a non-voting, co-optee place. Councillor Gawith was nominated by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Bradley. Councillor Tynan was nominated by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Riches. Councillor Gawith received 21 votes, Councillor Tynan received 20 votes. Therefore Councillor Gawith was appointed to the Health Scrutiny Committee.


During the nominations for the Lancashire County Council Health Scrutiny Committee it was pointed out that the information provided by the Lancaster Ripley Church of England Education Trust had asked for two Councillors rather than one. The Mayor asked for a further nomination and Councillor Cooper nominated himself, seconded by Councillor Brookes. There were no further nominations and Councillor Cooper was appointed.


No nominations were received for the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Joint Scrutiny Committee, therefore no appointment was made.


Regarding Landscapes for Life, Councillor Peter Jackson, being the only Councillor nominated, was appointed. His proposer was Councillor Pritchard, seconder was Councillor Blaikie.


Three places were available on the North Lancashire Citizens Advice Bureaux Board one each for Morecambe, Lancaster and Rural. Three Councillors were nominated, as follows:


Councillor Ainscough (Morecambe), nominated by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Brookes.


Councillors Sally Maddocks (Rural) and Councillor Stubbins (Lancaster) nominated by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Dowding.


There were no further nominations and all three Councillors were appointed.


For the place on PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee there was only one nomination made; Councillor Riches was nominated by Councillor Fish, seconded by Councillor Brookes. Councillor Riches was appointed.


Councillor Abuhajar was the sole nominee for the Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality Council. She was nominated by Councillor Lenox, seconded by Councillor Brookes and was duly appointed.


Regarding the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for the North West of England and the Isle of Man, there were three nominations. Councillor Blaikie was nominated by Councillor Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Greenwell. The Mayor was nominated by Councillor Brookes and he seconded his nomination himself. Councillor Bradley was nominated by Councillor Wood, seconded by Councillor Cozler. The first round voting produced 7 votes for Councillor Blaikie, 16 votes for the Mayor and 20 votes for Councillor Bradley. Councillor Blaikie dropped out for the second round of voting which resulted in 19 votes for the Mayor and 20 votes for Councillor Bradley. The Mayor declared Councillor Bradley appointed to the Association.


The next appointment to be determined was the Community Rail Partnership. Councillor Blaikie was put forward by Councillor Pritchard, seconded by Councillor Hart. Councillor Paul Gardner was nominated by Councillor Hanna, seconded by Councillor Wood. Councillor Blaikie received 22 votes, Councillor Paul Gardner received 20 votes. Councillor Blaikie was duly appointed to the Partnership.


For The Dukes, two Councillors were nominated. Councillor Thornberry was nominated by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Hall. Councillor Brookes then nominated Councillor Lenox, seconded by Councillor Riches. Councillor Thornberry received 24 votes, Councillor Lenox received 18 votes. The Mayor declared Councillor Thornberry appointed.


Councillor Wood nominated Councillor Armistead for the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel. The nomination was seconded by Councillor Hanna. There were no further nominations. Councillor Armistead was appointed.


The Mayor then called for nominations for appointments on the basis of Ward Councillors where there was only one appointment available in a multi-Member ward.


For the Crook O Lune Advisory Committee Councillor Pritchard nominated Councillor Peter Jackson, seconded by Councillor Hart. Councillor McGowan was nominated by Councillor Brookes, seconded by Councillor Sommerville. There were no further nominations and the Mayor declared Councillor Peter Jackson and Councillor McGowan appointed.


For the Friendship Centre Management Committee, Councillor Brookes nominated himself, seconded by Councillor Stubbins. There being no further nominations, Councillor Brookes was appointed.


Appointments to be made by virtue of a members’ position would be referred to the appropriate body for appointment.




(1)        That the basis of all appointments remain the same as set out in the appendices to the report, save for the six places on the Board of Trustees of the Lancaster Charities; these be appointed to in approximate proportionality of two Labour, two Green, one Liberal Democrat and one Conservative. If one of the seats is not filled it is to go to a vote at Council.


(2)        That the basis of appointment to The Lancashire Police and Crime Panel and The Dukes shall be by nomination and appointment at Council.


(3)        That the following list of appointments to outside bodies be approved:


Arnside and Silverdale AONB Unit - Councillor Tyldesley

Board of the Lancaster District Chamber of Commerce  - Councillor Potter

Board of Trustees of the Lancaster Charity (6 places) Councillors Brookes, Budden, Cozler, McGregor, Pritchard and Redfern

Forest of Bowland AONB Advisory Committee - Councillor Colbridge

Furness Line Community Railway Partnership  - Councillor Greenwell

George Fox School Educational Charity – Councillor Hall

Lancashire County Council Health Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Gawith

Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council (9 places) Councillors Cleet, Greenwell, Hanson, Hart, Hartley, Lenox, Pattison, Potter and Wood

James Bond/Henry Welch Trust – Councillor Thornberry

Lancaster and Skipton Rail User Group – Councillor Paul Gardner

Lancaster Canal Regeneration Partnership – Councillor McGowan

Lancaster Community Fund Grants Panel  (1 place; the other place is a Cabinet appointment) – Councillor Pattison

Lancaster District CVS – Councillor Thornberry

Lancaster Ripley Church of England Education Trust – Councillors Punshon and Cooper

Lancashire County Council Health Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Gawith

Landscapes for Life – Councillor Peter Jackson

North Lancashire Citizens Advice Bureaux Board (3 places, Morecambe, Lancaster and Rural) Councillors Pattison, Stubbins and Sally Maddocks

PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee  - Councillor Riches

Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality Council – Councillor Abuhajar

Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for the N. West of England and the Isle of Man – Councillor Bradley

The Community Rail Partnership (formerly Leeds-Morecambe and Settle-Carlisle Railway Development) – Councillor Blaikie

The Dukes – Councillor Thornberry

Lancashire Police and Crime Panel – Councillor Armistead

Crook O Lune Advisory Committee – Councillor Peter Jackson and Councillor McGowan

Friendship Centre Management Committee – Councillor Brookes


(4)     That Council notes the bodies in paragraph 4.0 of the report, which have either ceased to exist or have informed the Council that a representative is no longer required.”


Supporting documents: