Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 17th July 2012 7.30 p.m.

Venue: Lancaster Town Hall

Contact: Stephen Metcalfe, Democratic Services - telephone (01524) 582073, or email 

No. Item


Items of Urgent Business Authorised by the Leader

To consider any other decisions called-in and referred to Cabinet for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Chairman advised that there were no items of urgent business. 


Declarations of Interest

To consider any such declarations. 


No declarations were made at this point. 


Call-in Decision - Storey Creative Industries Centre pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the Call-in referral from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Members are asked to bring with them the documentation circulated at the meeting of Cabinet held on 3 July 2012 (Agenda item 13 refers).  The relevant Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 July 2012 are attached.


Councillors are reminded that whilst the public Cabinet Report can be considered in public, the Exempt Cabinet Report and its appendices are exempt from publication in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


It may be necessary to consider excluding members of the press and public from the meeting if Members need to make reference to the information contained in the exempt documentation.



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


A referral from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was considered by Cabinet following the Overview and Scrutiny call-in meeting held prior to Cabinet in relation to the Storey Creative Industries Centre (SCIC). 


The recommendations were: -


Cabinet is urged to approve the following 2 points as new recommendations in place of its decision on 3rd July 2012. 


1.      Council continues to support the vision for the Storey Creative Industries Centre. 


2.      Council consider removing restrictions on the nature of business carried out by those taking tenancies within the building so as to increase the potential for full occupation of the lettable space in the building. 


Cabinet also considered a statement from the Board of Storey Creative Industries Centre Limited, dated the 16th July 2012, together with a covering email from the Chairman of the Board, and an officer briefing note.  Cabinet was advised that, as indicated in the briefing note, and because of events that had unfolded over the past two weeks, option 2 as set out in the Cabinet report of the 3rd July, was now more difficult to achieve and had greater risks and costs than was the case two weeks ago. It was now reasonable to assume that the costs could not be managed within existing budgets, and Council approval would therefore be required for option 2. 


The available options were to do nothing (option 1), which would not require any actual decision, or to proceed with option 2, which would now require Council approval. 


It was moved by Councillor Karen Leytham and seconded by Councillor David Smith:-


“That the Chief Executive be asked to request the Mayor to allow the matter to be considered as an item of urgent business at the meeting of Council to be held on 18th July 2012.” 


Members then voted as follows. 


Resolved: -


(6 Members voted in favour (Councillors Eileen Blamire, Janice Hanson, Tim Hamilton-Cox, Karen Leytham, Ron Sands and David Smith) and 1 Member voted against (Councillor Barry).


That the Chief Executive be asked to request the Mayor to allow the matter to be considered as an item of urgent business at the meeting of Council to be held on 18th July 2012. 


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive. 

Head of Financial Services (Resources). 


Reasons for making the decision:


On the basis that the available options were to do nothing (option 1), which would not require any actual decision, or to proceed with option 2, which would require Council approval, and because of the urgency of the matter, Cabinet resolved to ask the Chief Executive to request the Mayor to allow the matter to be considered as an item of urgent business at the meeting of Council to be held on 18th July 2012.  This would enable Council to proceed with Option 2 should it be so minded.