Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 13th March 2012 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Morecambe Town Hall

Contact: Liz Bateson, Democratic Services - telephone (01524) 582047, or email 

No. Item



To receive as a correct record the minutes of Cabinet held on Tuesday, 14 February, 2012 (previously circulated). 


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 February 2012 were approved as a correct record.



Items of Urgent Business Authorised by the Leader pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To consider any such items authorised by the Leader and to consider where in the agenda the item(s) are to be considered. 

Additional documents:


The Chairman advised that there was one item of urgent business. This related to the Olympics Budget Report (Minute 103 refers).


Declarations of Interest

To consider any such declarations. 


No declarations were made at this point.



Public Speaking

To consider any such requests received in accordance with the approved procedure. 



Members were advised that there had been no requests to speak at the meeting in accordance with Cabinet’s agreed procedure.



Item of Urgent Business - Olympics Budget Report


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Sands)



Cabinet received a report from the Head of Community Engagement to update on plans for celebrating the forthcoming Olympic Games, and to provide and seek approval of the budgetary information requested by Council at its meeting on 1 February, 2012.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: Approve proposal as outlined

Option 2: Do not approve proposal as outlined

Option 3:  Approve part of proposal as outlined


The torch is a once in a lifetime event. It will generate excitement, community spirit, pride and new or renewed interest in sport, health and wellbeing, as well as new interest in our district as a destination. The budget will enable a safe and successful event

Risk to the ability to host the event

Risk to the ability to benefit more fully from the event


Money not used for other purposes

District does not benefit fully from the opportunities such an event presents

District does not fully benefit from the event opportunities


The budget includes some estimates, although they err on the side of caution.

Sponsorship, which is currently assumed to balance the budget, may not be forthcoming.

The event is not properly resourced, a lack of confidence from outside agencies, potential reputation issues with the public, fail to capitalise on benefits event can bring as outlined in advantages section of option 1

As with option 2


Option 1 was the officer preferred option.  The torch was a once in a lifetime event. It will generate excitement, community spirit, pride and new or renewed interest in sport, health and wellbeing, as well as new interest in our district as a destination. The budget will enable a safe and successful event.



Councillor Sands proposed, seconded by Councillor Hamilton-Cox:-


“(1)      That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”



Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)                    That the plans and budget information be noted and approved.

(2)                    That the 2012/13 General Fund Revenue Budget be updated to reflect the use of the approved ‘Olympic Torch Appeal’ Reserve.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Community Engagement

Head of Financial Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision fits with the corporate plan priorities:


§         Economic Regeneration – Visitor Economy

  • Partnership Working and Community Leadership

The torch was a once in a lifetime event which would generate excitement, community spirit, pride and new or renewed interest in sport, health and wellbeing, as well as new interest in our district as a destination. The budget would enable a safe and successful event.  Whilst the currently estimated cost of the programme exceeded the £40,000 sum set aside in the reserve it was recognised that balancing the budget was partly dependent on securing sponsorship.  The decision would enable officers to seek and secure early and firm commitment to sponsorship and progress with, and any significant changes to, the proposed programme would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103.


Referral from Audit Committee - Council Housing RMS Partnering Contract pdf icon PDF 102 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Smith)


Report of the Internal Audit Manager


(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Smith and Leytham)


Cabinet received a referral report which requested consideration of a recommendation from the Audit Committee in relation to the Council Housing RMS partnering contract and the Hala Flats pebbledashing project.


The recommendations of the Audit Committee were as follows:


(1)        That having considered in detail a report to Audit Committee, and having had the opportunity to raise concerns with officers at the meeting, Members are satisfied that sufficient assurance has been provided regarding the RMS partnering contract and the outcome of the Hala Flats pebbledashing project, and that no further action or analysis is recommended to Cabinet.


(2)       That the Internal Audit Manager liaise with managers to develop an action plan arising from this report and that progress be reported to a future meeting of the Audit Committee in accordance with established procedures.


Councillor Sands proposed, seconded by Councillor Hamilton-Cox:


“(1)      That the recommendations of the Audit Committee be noted.”


Councillors then voted:-




(7 Members (Councillors Blamire, Bryning, Hamilton-Cox, Hanson, Leytham, Sands and Smith) voted in favour, 1 Member (Councillor Barry) abstained.


(1)        That Cabinet note that having considered a detailed report and having had the opportunity to raise concerns with officers at the meeting, Audit Committee Members were satisfied that sufficient assurance had been provided regarding the RMS partnering contract and the outcome of the Hala Flats pebbledashing project, and that no further action or analysis was recommended to Cabinet.


(2)       That Cabinet note that the Internal Audit Manager would liaise with managers to develop an action plan arising from the report and that progress would be reported to a future meeting of the Audit Committee in accordance with established procedures.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Internal Audit Manager


Reasons for making the decision:


The report addresses the concerns raised by Cabinet at its meeting on 6 December 2011 (Minute 67 refers) and provides for progress reports to the Audit Committee.



Quarter 3 Corporate Performance and Financial Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 96 KB

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Blamire & Bryning)


Report of the Head of Community Engagement

Additional documents:


(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Blamire & Bryning)


Cabinet received a joint report from the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility for Finance to present the corporate performance report for the 3rd Quarter of the Performance Review Team Cycle for 2011/12.  Amendments and updates in respect of Regeneration were also received.


The report was for noting and comment.


Councillor Bryning proposed, seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“(1)      That the report be noted.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That the report be noted.



Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Community Engagement


Reasons for making the decision:


The Council’s Performance Management Framework requires the regular reporting of operational and financial performance to Cabinet as part of the Performance Review Team cycle of meetings.  The Corporate PRT report provides a summary of key matters and associated actions that have arisen in the quarter that have been escalated to the Leader of the Council and Finance Portfolio Holder for attention.  The Corporate PRT report for this quarter and the analysis of delivery against the Corporate Plan demonstrates that positive action has/is being taken to manage corporate performance towards the achievement of stated outcomes and corporate priorities.



Housing Regeneration Cabinet Liaison Group pdf icon PDF 79 KB

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Leytham & Hanson)


Report of the Heads of Health and Housing and Regeneration and Policy


(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Leytham and Hanson)


Cabinet received a joint report from the Head of Health and Housing and Head of Regeneration and Policy to consider the establishment and terms of reference of a Housing Regeneration Cabinet Liaison Group.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1:

To establish a CLG with the terms of reference as proposed in this report

Option 2:

To establish a CLG as proposed but with different TOR

Option 3:

Not to establish a CLG


Will allow for comprehensive consideration of housing regeneration issues.

Would allow for the widening or reducing of the proposed TOR.

Small saving of officer time.



Substantially different TOR may not provide the Cabinet Members with the information and detail needed to assist them with their portfolio areas.

Missing an opportunity to more systematically discuss housing regeneration issues to support Council objectives.



Some key issues could be missed.

Housing regeneration issues would be discussed on a more ad hoc basis.


The preferred officer option was Option 1 as this would support the Cabinet Members in undertaking their roles.


Councillor Leytham proposed, seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“(1)      That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That Cabinet approves the establishment of Housing Regeneration Cabinet Liaison Group.


(2)        That the terms of reference of the Housing Regeneration be agreed as follows:


The purpose of the group would be to assist the Cabinet Members in overseeing implementation of options for housing regeneration priorities including:

  • To examine the options for delivering and financing affordable housing schemes through the HRA (including schemes in the West End).
  • To examine the viability of building new council homes with a particular focus

on meeting the housing needs of the growing population of older people in the medium to long term.

  • The adoption of a rent policy for council housing.
  • Consideration of an empty homes strategy.
  • Opportunities for affordable housing schemes through the land allocations in

            the LDF.

  • The potential impact on residents and the Council of the changes to the welfare reform system.
  • The adoption of a tenancy strategy for the district.
  • Any other funding opportunities to support housing regeneration priorities, including any through the council’s General Fund.
  • To consider housing regeneration related reports prior to being presented to Cabinet, Individual Cabinet Member Decisions or other council committees.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Health and Housing

Head of Regeneration and Policy



Reasons for making the decision:


The decision fits with the corporate priority: Economic regeneration including housing regeneration and the Corporate plan 2012 – 2015 Health and Wellbeing and Economic growth identifies improving housing supply, the West End schemes, empty properties and use of the HRA as priorities for the coming years.  The Cabinet Liaison Group should help facilitate sustainable housing regeneration which will improve outcomes for residents of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Members are asked whether they need to declare any further declarations of interest regarding the exempt reports. 


Cabinet is recommended to pass the following recommendation in relation to the following items:- 


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that they could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.” 


Members are reminded that, whilst the following items have been marked as exempt, it is for the Council itself to decide whether or not to consider each of them in private or in public.  In making the decision, Members should consider the relevant paragraph of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, and should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to information.  In considering their discretion Members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers. 


The Chairman asked for any further declarations of interest from Cabinet Members regarding the exempt report.


It was moved by Councillor Bryning and seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that it could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.”


Members then voted as follows:-


(6 Members (Councillors Blamire, Bryning, Hanson, Leytham, Sands and Smith) voted in favour of the proposition and 2 Members (Councillors Barry and Hamilton-Cox) abstained).




(1)        That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that it could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act. 


The meeting adjourned at 10.25am and reconvened at 10.35am.

David Lewis (Centros) delivered a presentation to Members which set out the current position with regard to the Canal Corridor proposals.  All Members had been invited for this item and had the opportunity to ask questions on the presentation.  David Lewis left the meeting after delivering his presentation.


Canal Corridor Redevelopment

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Report of the Head of Property Services (Report to Follow)

Additional documents:


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Property Services which was exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972.


In January 2011 Cabinet authorised officers to discuss the extension and amendment of the Development Agreement with Centros.  The outcome of these discussions was reported to Cabinet at this meeting. Members were asked to consider varying the existing Development Agreement and associated documents to allow for an extension for a 5 year period. This would allow the developer to bring forward a revised scheme of regeneration for the Canal Corridor North site. The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the exempt report.


Councillor Bryning proposed, seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“(1)      That the recommendations as set out in the exempt report be approved.”




(6 Members (Councillors Blamire, Bryning, Hanson, Leytham, Sands and Smith) voted in favour, 1 Member (Councillor Hamilton-Cox) voted against and 1 Member (Councillor  Barry) abstained.)


(1)        The resolution is set out in a minute exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive


Reasons for making the decision:


This will allow the developer to bring forward a revised scheme of regeneration of the Canal Corridor North Site as set out in a minute exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.