Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday, 31st July 2008 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Morecambe Town Hall

Contact: Debbie Chambers, Democratic Services, telephone 01524 582057 or email 

No. Item



To receive as a correct record the minutes of Cabinet held on 8th July 2006 (previously circulated). 


The Minutes of the meeting held on 8th July were approved as a correct record.


Items of Urgent Business Authorised by the Leader

To consider any such items authorised by the Leader and to consider where in the agenda the item(s) are to be considered. 


The Chairman advised that there were no items of Urgent Business.


Declarations of Interest

To consider any such declarations. 


No declarations were made at this point.



Public Speaking

To consider any such requests received in accordance with the approved procedure. 



Members were advised that there had been no requests to speak at the meeting in accordance with the Cabinet’s agreed procedure.



Festival & Events

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Shirley Burns)


Referral report from Overview and Scrutiny Committee to follow.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Shirley Burns)


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report requesting Cabinet to consider a referral regarding Festivals and Events from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The recommendations arose from an original report on Festivals and Events, which the Head of Cultural Services presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 9th July 2008. The original report was appended to the Cabinet agenda for information and contained the options and options analysis (including risk assessment) which were put to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The report contained Officer comments regarding the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


It was moved by Councillor Barry and seconded by Councillor Blamire:-


“(1)    That the Festivals and Events programme arrangements be revised as itemised below:


·            Lancaster City Council’s Cultural Services to continue to offer direct and indirect support to Festivals and Events within the District, in accordance with the City Council’s Corporate Plan Regeneration Objective; - “Attract visitors to the district by promotion of cultural events” or to support priorities within the Community Strategy.


·            The above addresses and resolves the concerns expressed in Paragraph 2.11 in the report of the Head of Cultural Services to Overview and Scrutiny Committee, (see Appendix A), as part of the original rationale for reviewing the Festivals Innovation Fund (FIF).


·            To form a Cabinet Liaison Group, responsible for developing and reviewing Festival & Events policy and programmes, based on the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities and that this Group also be responsible for developing partnership opportunities with the private and voluntary sectors for other festivals and events.


·            To identify a lead officer responsible for the planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluating of the festivals and events programme, whether organised directly or “in partnership” (e.g. via FIF support) with Cultural Services.


(2)               That Cabinet notes that the revision of the Festivals and Events programme arrangements could be incorporated into the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme as a possible task group.


(3)               That Cabinet notes the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that monitoring of the Festivals Programme be referred to the Budget and Performance Panel in accordance with their terms of reference and the recommendations of the Grants Task Group.


(4)               That a report be presented to Cabinet on why Cabinet was told, just prior to the 2008 budget that an extra £10K was required for the 2008 maritime festival, when Cabinet had previously been told that the festival was fully funded.


(5)               That the Festivals and Events programme be delivered within the approved budget.”


Members then voted as follows:-




(9 members (Councillors Archer, Barry, Blamire, Bryning, Burns, Charles, Fletcher, Gilbert and Mace) voted in favour and 1 member (Councillor Kerr) abstained):


(1)     That the Festivals and Events programme arrangements be revised as itemised below:


·            Lancaster City Council’s Cultural Services to continue to offer direct and indirect support to Festivals and Events within the District, in accordance with the City Council’s Corporate Plan Regeneration Objective; - “Attract visitors to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.


Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2007/08

(Cabinet Member with special responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


Report of Head of Financial Services




(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


(Councillor Archer declared a personal interest in that part of the report which referred to the Winter Gardens, Morecambe)


The Head of Financial Services submitted a report which provided summary information regarding the provisional outturn for 2007/08 and the timetable for completion of the closure of accounts process.  It also set out information regarding the carry forward of underspent/overspent revenue budgets and capital slippage for Members’ consideration, and sought approval of various Prudential Indicators for last year for referral on to Council.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


The City Council has a legal requirement to ensure that its expenditure is fully funded and to produce a Statement of Accounts in accordance with proper accounting practice.  In addition, the Prudential Indicators are a statutory requirement linked to the budgetary framework.  For these aspects, therefore, there are no alternative options for Cabinet to consider.  Members are being asked to endorse certain actions taken by the Head of Financial Services, however.  Cabinet should consider whether it has sufficient information to do so or whether it requires any further justification.


The report requests Cabinet to consider a number of revenue budget carry forward matters and capital slippage.  The framework for considering these is set out in the report but basically Cabinet may:


-        Approve any number of the items / requests, in full or part.

-        Refuse any number of the requests and if commitments have already been incurred, require alternative funding options to be identified.  Cabinet should note, however, that this may impact on other areas of service delivery.

-        Request further information regarding them, if appropriate.  Cabinet is asked to bear in mind any work required against the value of the individual bids.


Cabinet also considered a referral report from the Budget and Performance Panel notifying Cabinet Members of recommendations agreed by the Panel following its consideration of the Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2007/8 at a special Panel meeting held on 29th July 2008.


A schedule of officer recommendations in respect of the requests for carrying forward budget overspends/underspends was circulated to assist Cabinet in their considerations. 


In light of the recommendations from the Budget and Performance Panel, and assisted the schedule of officer recommendations referred to above, an updated set of proposed recommendations was circulated at the meeting.


It was moved by Councillor Mace:-


1.  That the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and General Fund revenue outturn position for 2007/8 be noted.


2.      That the transfers to Provisions and Reserves actioned by the Head of Financial Services be noted and endorsed.


3.      That Cabinet notes the recommendations of the Budget and Performance Panel that met on 29th July to consider the 2007/8 revenue and capital outturn report and that in particular, it has agreed a scrutiny process involving the relevant services and Cabinet Members to review significant outturn variances.


4.      That in respect of (3) above, Cabinet receives  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Financing for Portland Street and Home Support Team

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors John Gilbert and David Kerr)


Report of Corporate Director (Community Services)


(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillor John Gilbert and David Kerr)


The Corporate Director (Community Services) submitted a report informing members about progress towards securing Supporting People (SP) programme monies for the Portland Street project and the Home Support Team and seeking approval for continued use of Homelessness Reserve funding.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Do not agree to any further funding for the Home Support Team from the allocated reserve beyond the commitment to existing staff contracts, which run up until the end of August 2008.


·         If SP have not been able to confirm funding by then, three postholders’ contracts will end at 31st August 2008.


·         These posts play an important part in helping those in imminent danger of homelessness to avoid it. The City Council is aiming to prevent homelessness and money spent on doing so can save money which would otherwise have to be spent on those accepted as homeless.


·         If SP were to subsequently agree funding, there is a risk that the staff would no longer be in post and additional costs would be incurred in advertising and appointing staff.


Option 2: Agree to make up to £75,000 of allocated reserve available to the Home Support Team in 2008/9, pending the SP decision on funding


·         This would enable the Council to extend the contracts for the three postholders concerned until 31st March 2009 and for the projects to continue with current levels of staffing, by which time a decision should have been made by SP


·         If a positive decision is made by SP before 31st March 2009, less than the maximum would be spent.


The Officer preferred option was option 2, which would allow a skilled and experienced staff team to remain working together for as long as possible, pending the outcome of the SP bid.


It was moved by Councillor Gilbert and seconded by Councillor Mace:-


“That Cabinet agrees to allow the Home Support Team to draw down from the Homelessness Reserve of up to £75,000 in 2008/9, pending the Supporting People decision on Funding.”


Members then voted as follows:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)     That Cabinet agrees to allow the Home Support Team to draw down from the Homelessness Reserve of up to £75,000 in 2008/9, pending the Supporting People decision on Funding.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Community Services)

Head of Health and Strategic Housing


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision allows a skilled and experienced staff team to remain working together for as long as possible, pending the outcome of the Supporting People bid.


Budget and Policy Framework Process 2009/10

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


Report of Corporate Director (Finance and Performance)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


The Corporate Director (Finance and Performance) submitted a report to agree a process for reviewing the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework. This report proposed a draft process and timetable for reviewing the existing plans and strategies included in (and supporting) the Budget and Policy Framework and also for prioritising existing objectives and bringing forward new Council initiatives.


The report set out the options, options analysis, including risk assessment as follows:


1        Approve the proposals and timetable set out in the report for reviewing and revising the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework.


2        Approve an amended version of the proposals.


The Officer preferred option was option 1.


It was moved by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Gilbert:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Members then voted as follows:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)     That the process outlined in the report and timetabled in Appendix A for reviewing the Corporate Plan, Budget/Medium Term Financial Strategy, and preparing the 2009/10 Budget be approved.


(2)     That Cabinet note the revised procedures as set out in Section 3 already in place for reviewing and updating the other Policy Framework documents.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Finance and Performance)


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision provides a structured approach for Cabinet to review the existing Budget and Policy Framework and for it to bring forward its budget and policy framework proposals for 2009/10 and beyond within the statutory timescales.


The Development of Neighbourhood Management Arrangements for the District

(Cabinet Member with special responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


Report of Corporate Director (Community Services)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


The Corporate Director (Community Services) submitted a report suggesting a model for the way that Neighbourhood Management could be developed in Lancaster District and seeking approval to develop that approach into a practical implementation plan.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1


This is the option as outlined in this report which builds on the success of Neighbourhood Management so far whilst utilising modest resources in integrating the Neighbourhood Management approach into the mainstream activity of the City Council and its partners within the LSP.




That insufficient resources are made available thus diluting the impact of this changed way of working.  This can be overcome, should members approve the recommendations set out in the report, by developing this approach further and identifying the resource requirements required to deliver it.  These could then be fed into the budget process and if approved, the proposals could go ahead.


Option 2           


Researching and bringing forward other neighbourhood models.




There has been much interaction between the Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder in Poulton and other neighbourhood initiatives nationally since 2002.  Visits have been conducted to other programmes, lessons learnt at national conferences and best practice shared by neighbourhood renewal advisors.  It is not envisaged that any significant new approach is likely to be uncovered and momentum is lost.


Option 3


This is a ‘do nothing’ option which assumes that the current Neighbourhood Management programme finishes in 2010 when the Area Based Grant allocation ceases and it is no longer possible to support Neighbourhood Management in Morecambe’s West End.




            That the learning from the past six years of operating successful Neighbourhood Management is wasted and that an opportunity to develop a new cross-cutting, neighbourhood, agenda with our partners is lost.


The Officer preferred option was option 1 which, as outlined in the report, allowed for an integrated approach whilst keeping costs to a realistic minimum.


It was moved by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Gilbert:-


 “1        That a Cabinet Liaison Group be formed, chaired by the Portfolio Holder responsible for Neighbourhood Management, to advise the Cabinet Portfolio Holder on options for the development of neighbourhood management arrangements for the District. The terms of reference for the Group to be that it should examine the options of an effective model for the delivery of Neighbourhood Management, considering how this would integrate into mainstream service delivery for Lancaster City Council, and how such a model would relate to the LDLSP, and the community engagement agenda, and be supportive of the Council’s priorities and Core Values around Putting Our Customers First and Leading Our Communities.


2                    That a further report be brought forward considering the outcomes of the Cabinet Liaison Group and setting out how Neighbourhood Management could be practically implemented in 2009/10, and the resource implications of such implementation.


3                    That, as an interim measure, the existing functions of Strategic Housing be moved out of Neighbourhood Task  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Annual Treasury Management Report 2007/08

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)

Report of the Head of Financial Services


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


The Head of Financial Services submitted a report setting out the performance of the Council in respect of Treasury Management for 2007/08 and giving details of the activities undertaken during the year.


The options and options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


There are no options available to Members as such; reporting of activities to both Cabinet and Council is required under Treasury Management Code of Practice and reflected in the Council’s Strategy.


It was moved by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Charles:-


“That the recommendation, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Members then voted as follows:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)     That the report be noted and referred on to Council for information.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Finance


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is in line with the necessary reporting of activities to Cabinet and Council as required under Treasury Management Code of Practice and reflected in the Council’s Strategy.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following report containing exempt information is published as an Appendix for Members of Cabinet.  Members will need to consider if they are able to make a decision in public, or exclude the press and public in order to refer to the information contained in the exempt report. 


Should Cabinet decide to not make a decision in public, Cabinet is recommended to pass the following recommendation in relation to the following item:-


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that they could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.” 


Members are reminded that, whilst the following items have been marked as exempt, it is for the Council itself to decide whether or not to consider each of them in private or in public.  In making the decision, Members should consider the relevant paragraph of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, and should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to information.  In considering their discretion Members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers. 


Members are asked whether they need to declare any further declarations of interest regarding the exempt report. 


The Chairman asked for any further declarations of interest from Cabinet Members regarding the exempt report. No further declarations were made at this point.


It was moved by Councillor Barry and seconded by Councillor Mace:-


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that they could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.” 


Members then voted as follows:


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that they could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.


Fair Pay Project

(Cabinet Member with special responsibility Councillor David Kerr)


Report of the Chief Executive


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor David Kerr)


The Chief Executive submitted a report updating Cabinet on the Fair Pay process and the financial decisions that would need to be made as part of the process, and in particular to determine the approach to be adopted in dealing with Equal Pay claims. 


The options, options analysis including risk assessment were set out in the report as follows:


1.      Cabinet is asked to note the progress of the Fair Pay project and the need for it to approve any future pay and grading structure later in this financial year.  At that stage, information about the transitional cost of pay protection will also be available.


2.      Cabinet is also asked to consider its approach to dealing with equal pay claims.  The remainder of this paragraph is exempt.


The Officer preferred option was contained in the exempt report.


It was moved by Councillor Kerr and seconded by Councillor Archer:-


“That recommendation 1, as set out in the report, be approved.

Members then voted as follows:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)         That Cabinet note the progress made with the Fair Pay project, and the need for a new pay and grading structure to be approved later in the financial year, including provision for pay protection.


(2)     As set out in the exempt minute.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive

Head of Legal and Human Resources


Reasons for making the decision:


As set out in the exempt minute.


At this point the press and public were re-admitted to the meeting.



Review of Sheltered Housing Management Arrangements

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor David Kerr)


Report of Corporate Director (Community Services)



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor David Kerr)


The Corporate Director (Community Services) submitted a report identifying weaknesses within the existing arrangements for managing the Council’s Sheltered Housing Schemes and proposing a more flexible approach utilising non resident managers for Category I Schemes.


The options and options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


(i)                                  Redesignate the Prospect Grove Sheltered Scheme as Non Residential.








Option 1

To continue with existing arrangements


Tenants would not see any changes in service and would retain the perceived comfort of having a resident warden


The Service would not have sufficient flexibility to meet individual tenants Support Plans.  The Council would not be able to meet the Quality Assessment Framework Service Standards.


Option 2

To redesignate Prospect Grove as Non Residential



There would be increased flexibility to respond to the wider needs of the service and of individual tenants


Some residents are concerned about the loss of a Residential Scheme Manager.



(ii)                                Redesignate the Penhale Gardens and Altham Walk Schemes to become non residential as and when managers posts become vacant.







Option 1

To redesignate the schemes as posts become vacant


This would enable the service to provide even greater levels of flexibility in delivering support to vulnerable tenants


There are a minority of tenants who would prefer to retain the services of a Residential Scheme Manager


Option 2

To continue with existing arrangements


Tenants would not see any changes in the service and would retain the perceived comfort of having a residential scheme manager


The Council would not have sufficient flexibility to meet individual support plans or meet the QAF Standards if any Scheme Managers were absent from work


(iii)                              Conversion of Scheme Manager’s House, Prospect Grove.







Option 1

Not to proceed with the conversion


There would be a saving of £15,000 conversion costs and the Council would continue to receive rental income


The proposals for non residential scheme management would not work efficiently without the provision of an office base.

It is difficult to envisage an alternative use for the house.


Option 2

To convert the Scheme Manager’s House



Conversion would facilitate arrangements for providing an efficient “mobile” non residential service. There would also be an opportunity to provide a guest bedroom for visitors to Prospect Grove


The HRA would loose ongoing rental income for the house (currently £3,419pa).


(iv)                              Opting Out of the Community Alarm Service – Ground Floor Flats, Ryelands and Vale.







Option 1

To approve the opt out.


Would enable the  better use of the flats to meet the housing needs of applicants.



There could be a potential loss of income for alarm monitoring (a maximum of £2,027pa).

Option 2

To continue with existing arrangements.



Would ensure alarm monitoring income is retained.


Would result in flats continuing to be allocated inappropriately, as tenants of these flats generally don’t have support needs and the alarm service is of no value to them.


The Officer preferred options were set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.