Issue - meetings

Luneside East St Georges Quay Lancaster

Meeting: 04/03/2019 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 133)

133 Luneside East St Georges Quay Lancaster pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Demolition of existing mill building, erection of 3 buildings comprising ground floor ancillary uses (Classes A1-A4, B1a, D1 and D2) and student accommodation above and 1 building of student accommodation, conversion of existing pump house to a mixed use communal facility (Classes A2, B1a and D1), and associated access, parking, servicing and landscaping / public realm works (pursuant to the variation of conditions 2 and 17 on planning permission 16/00574/FUL to reconfigure the layout of the student accommodation to provide additional student bedrooms in Blocks B and C, smaller cluster flats to Blocks A and D and associated changes to the elevations including the insertion of perforated metal sheets to windows openings, and to revise the trigger for completing the remediation and validation process)




Demolition of existing mill building, erection of 3 buildings comprising ground floor ancillary uses (Classes A1-A4, B1a, D1 and D2) and student accommodation above and 1 building of student accommodation, conversion of existing pump house to a mixed use communal facility (Classes A2, B1a and D1), and associated access, parking, servicing and landscaping / public realm works (pursuant to the variation of conditions 2 and 17 on planning permission 16/00574/FUL to reconfigure the layout of the student accommodation to provide additional student bedrooms in Blocks B and C, smaller cluster flats to Blocks A and D and associated changes to the elevations including the insertion of perforated metal sheets to windows openings, and to revise the trigger for completing the remediation and validation process).

Marsh Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Stuart Bateson and seconded by Councillor Malcolm Thomas:


“That the application be approved.”


Upon being put to the vote, 11 Members voted in favour of the proposition and 1 against, with 1 abstention, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




That Planning Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:



3 year Time Limit.


Approved Plans List (to reflect new plans).


Phasing Plan.


Standard Demolition.


Submission of Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP).


Access details.


Notwithstanding details a submitted scheme for off-site highway works to be delivered.


Submission of car parking management strategy.


Travel Plan.


Details of all external materials & detailing (brickwork including mortar and pointing; junctions between approved materials; rainwater goods; roofing detailing; window and door details; curtain glazing details).


Drainage on separate systems.


Full details of foul and surface water drainage scheme to be agreed.


Maintenance and management plan of drainage scheme.


Finished flood levels to be agreed.


Scheme for the protection of noise transmission between residential and commercial spaces including acoustic insulation and details of plant and rating levels.


Construction Noise – pile driving.


Site Investigation (referencing details submitted to date and allowing development of the remainder of the site to commence prior to remediation in the area of the mill).


Importation of Soil, materials and hard-core.


Development to be carried out in accordance with the Ecological Report – precautionary bat/bird surveys to be carried out before demolition.  Scheme for mitigation to be included and agreed.


Tree Protection Measures.


Sub-station details (position, appearance and enclosure details).


Restriction of operating hours and hours of use of external space for the commercial elements of the scheme.


Scheme for the management and maintenance of the public realm and landscaping areas, including the external gymnasium.


Precise soft and hard landscaping details including schedule for re-use of stone to be submitted and agreed.


Details of external lighting.


Details of external refuse enclosure and refuse strategy to be agreed.


Scheme for crime prevention measures including details of CCTV and access arrangement for the student accommodation including use of public realm  ...  view the full minutes text for item 133