Issue - meetings

Morecambe Business Improvement District (BID) - Draft Proposal Document

Meeting: 19/01/2016 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Morecambe Business Improvement District (BID) - Draft Proposal Document pdf icon PDF 315 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Report of Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning)


Additional documents:


 (Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning) which provided context and information for the endorsement of proposals for a Morecambe BID ballot in May 2016 as required by statute.  The report updated Members on potential pre and post ballot issues and resource implications in relation to the City Council’s role in the potential Morecambe BID.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: : Do nothing (Put off decision until the production of Final Proposals)


Option 2:Endorse the draft BID Proposals with endorsement of final BID Proposals delegated to the Chief Executive.

Option 3:Request / wait for material amendments to the draft Proposal for consideration/ endorsement at a future Cabinet meeting.


No advantages.


Early notice that the proposals are technically sound and final document is likely to be compatible with BID Regulations and council policy.

Allows for minor and/or non-material technical amendments via officer scrutiny of final document. 

Allows Morecambe BID to develop its pre-election canvassing strategy and marketing/publishing activities around the BID Proposals with confidence.

Appropriate if Members consider (based on the draft), a Final Proposal would be vetoed and that material changes are required.

Allows for revised proposals to come forward which are compatible with council policy and regulatory requirements



Creates uncertainty for Morecambe BID.

Creates difficulties for Morecambe BID in developing its pre-ballot canvassing strategy and marketing/ publishing activities around the BID Proposals.


No disadvantages identified.

Reputational implications for council if proposals are not endorsed without good reason.  Potentially delays Morecambe BID’s commitment to pre-ballot canvassing strategy and marketing/publishing activities around the BID Proposals.


If there are issues with Final Proposal compliance at a future date a ballot could be delayed with knock on implications for Morecambe BID in terms of canvassing and for the council in terms of dealing with operational matters in the next Financial Year arising from a delayed ‘Yes’ vote.

No guarantee that the BID ballot will be successful.


The onus would be on Morecambe BID to address any issues and prepare a technically/policy compatible Final Proposal for consideration at a future cabinet meeting.

Other risks are as Option 1



On submission of a Final Proposal the local authority is obliged to endorse a BID proposal and approve a ballot if it meets the regulatory and policy tests mentioned in paragraph 2.3 of the report.  The draft proposals provide a good indication of whether it is likely the Council will need to use its veto powers. The draft proposals do not conflict materially with published council polices and a successful BID should support the council’s corporate objectives.  The work of Morecambe BID in canvassing opinion and consultation among local business shows a good level of support for the way the BID proposals have been shaped.


The amount of prior discussion between the BID proposer and the local authority before submitting the BID draft  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63