Agenda item

Advancing the Local Plan for Lancaster District

To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning)


Councillors please note: Appendices 1 and 2 of this report along with the policy maps are published electronically and can be found on the Council website at:


Paper copies will be available in the Members’ Rooms at Morecambe and Lancaster Town Halls. If you require your own paper copy please contact Democratic Services on 582132.


(Councillors Charles, Leyshon and Thynne left the meeting at this point, having previously declared an interest.)


The Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) submitted a report seeking a decision to formally publish the Local Plan for Lancaster District, obtain formal representations and then submit the document to the government for the process of independent examination.


The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Planning, Councillor Hanson, presented the report. A lengthy question and answer session followed, with the Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) and the Planning and Housing Policy Manager responding to Members’ questions.


(The meeting adjourned for a comfort break at 8.25pm, reconvening at 8.35pm)


Councillor Hanson, seconded by Councillor Brayshaw, proposed that the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.


Councillor Hamilton-Cox proposed an amendment which he had submitted in advance of the meeting. The amendment was seconded by Councillor Caroline Jackson:


“Full council resolves to defer publication of the Local Plan until:


a)      independently verified flood risk assessments for each of the four major land allocations havebeen commissioned and reported. The additional four large-scale  greenfield sites previously set aside are to be included in the review, together with a forensic flood risk assessment of the revised J33 road configuration;


b)      the update from Turley on the Objective Assessment of Need has been received and analysed;


c)      the district's housing target of 401 homes per year set out in the government's draft methodology are confirmed in government policy, with a view to adopting the target at the earliest opportunity in order to secure a 5-year housing land supply and control over unwanted development.


Full council further resolves to:


d)      bring forward the start date of the Plan in view of the signals from the housing market in both the market and private rental sectors, in order to eliminate the presumed backlog vs target which is preventing the achievement of a 5-year housing land supply (as similarly proposed by officers in the draft Land Allocations document dated July 2012);


e)      inform DCLG of the particular circumstances surrounding Plan-making in
Lancaster district and the need for thorough review in the light of
flooding issues and reassessment of the Objective Assessment of Need, including in the light of the government's draft methodology.”

The amendment was debated for some time. The Mayor then called for a vote. With few voting for the amendment and many against, the amendment fell.


There was a debate on the original motion, during which the Mayor made a statement, which he asked to be recorded in the minutes:


“I have been approached by residents in my ward who remain concerned that the draft Local Plan allocates more of the North Lancashire Green Belt for development than is justified. In particular, they object to development on fields 349 and 471 within the Strategic Site now known as SG12, South of Windermere Road in Carnforth. These fields are adjacent to Back Lane which is the Western Boundary of Kellet ward, and I ask that these objections are recorded in the minutes.”


At the end of the debate, a vote was taken and the motion was clearly carried.



That the Council:

(1)       Resolves to formally publish the Local Plan for Lancaster District, the background evidence, the reports on the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment, then obtains formal representations and submits the documents to the government for Independent Examination. This will ensure that the relevant regulations are followed and will enable stakeholders, including residents, to have their view on the soundness of the plan and its preparation processes. The submitted documents will then be considered by a government appointed Inspector.

(2)       Delegates to the Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) the authority to make minor changes to improve the clarity, consistency and appearance of the documents and policies maps, and, insert additional illustrative or factual material prior to formal publication and submission.

(3)       Acknowledges the challenges and inherent risks in advancing a complex local plan which aims to establish a long-term development strategy designed to support and facilitate growth, realise significant economic opportunity and boost the supply of housing within a district that is characterised by its heritage assets, its protected landscapes and its international and local environmental designations, whilst presently constrained by the ability of its infrastructure to accommodate further growth.

(4)       Acknowledges that the task of advancing the Local Plan through to adoption has resource implications that will evolve as challenges to the submitted plan emerge and evolve; the Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) will need both capacity and flexibility to ensure that resources are available and deployed, particularly in financial year 2018/19 to address this challenge.     

Supporting documents: