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Allotments Task Group
Antisocial Behaviour Task Group
Appeals Committee
Arts and Events Service Group
Audit and Support Services Sub-Committee
Audit Committee
Barriers to Being a Councillor Task Group
Budget and Performance Panel
Budgetary Control Service Group
Canals Task Group
Carnforth Area Regeneration Partnership
Cemeteries Task Group
Chief Executive Recruitment Committee
Chief Executive Recruitment Sub-Committee
Civic Affairs Service Group
Coastal Protection and Land Drainage Service Group
Community Services
Comprehensive Performance Assessment Committee
Council Assets Task Group
Council Business Committee
Council Housing Service Group
Crinkley Bottom Theme Park Project Review Committe
Cultural Services Task Group
Economic Development and Marketing Service Group
Economic Development and Tourism Policy Committee
Economic Development and Tourism Serivce Group
Economic Development Task Group
Environmental and Public Services Policy Committee
Environmental Health and Cleansing Service Group
Equality and Diversity Building Block
Estates Service Group
External Affairs Review Board
Festivals and Events Working Group
Finance and Corporate Policy Strategy Committee
Gaming Act Sub-Committee
Grants Committee
Grants Task Group
Highways and Traffic Service Group
Homelessness in the Lancaster District Task Group
Housing Policy Committee
Individual Cabinet Member and Officer Delegated De
Internal Affairs Review Board
Investigation and Disciplinary Committee
Joint Committee for Revenues and Benefits
Lancashire Local - Lancaster District - Residents
Lancashire Local - Lancaster District Grants Sub-C
Lancashire Local - Lancaster District Joint Commit
Lancaster and Morecambe Markets Committee
Lancaster and South Cumbria Joint Committee
Lancaster Centre Service Group
Lancaster District Regeneration Partnership
Lancaster Tourism Service Group
Leisure Service Group
Licensing Act Committee
Licensing Act Sub-Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Regulatory Committee
Licensing Service Group
Licensing Sub-Committee
Local Governance Committee
Local Plan Working Group
Luneside East Regeneration Partnership Advisory Bo
Million for the Millenium Sub-Committee
Morecambe Centre Service Group
Morecambe SRB Executive - Officers
Morecambe Tourism Service Group
Museums Service Group
Non-Executive Officer Delegated Decisions
Older People's Task Group
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
People and Organisational Development Committee
Performance Review Committee
Personnel Committee
Personnel Service Group
Planning Committee
Planning Policy Service Group
Planning Regulatory Committee
Pollution in Morecambe Bay Task Group
Private Housing Service Group
Regeneration Review Board
Renewing Democracy Sub-Committee
Revenues and Benefits Service Group
Review and Audit of Parish Council Funding Task Gr
Review of Secondary Education Task Group
Shared Revenues and Benefits Service - Links to Of
Shareholders Committee
Single Purpose Standards Committee
Square Routes Centrepiece Cabinet Committee
Standards Committee
Standards Hearing Sub-Committee
Tourism Service Group
Town Clerk Pension Committee
Transport Task Group
Transportation Service Group
Unique Response Committee
Urgent Business
West End Activities Review Task Group
Young People and Lancaster City Council Task Group
Other Interest (Non-prejudicial)
Other Interest (Prejudicial)
Abuhajar, Councillor Suhir Abuhajar
Ainscough, Councillor Joanne Ainscough
Armistead, Councillor Catherine Armistead
Bannon, Councillor Mandy Bannon
Belcher, Councillor Louise Belcher
Black, Councillor Matthew Black
Black, Councillor Phillip Black
Blaikie, Councillor Gerry Blaikie
Bottoms, Councillor Martin Bottoms
Bradley, Councillor Philip Bradley
Brookes, Councillor Dave Brookes
Budden, Councillor Keith Budden
Cleet, Councillor Roger Cleet
Colbridge, Councillor Ruth Colbridge
Cooper, Councillor Brett Cooper
Cozler, Councillor Claire Cozler
Deery, Councillor Maria Deery
Dennison, Councillor Roger Dennison
Dowding, Councillor Gina Dowding
Fish, Councillor Tom Fish
Gardiner, Councillor Andrew Gardiner
Gardner, Councillor Paul Gardner
Gawith, Councillor Martin Gawith
Greenwell, Councillor Alan Greenwell
Hall, Councillor Erin Hall
Hamilton-Cox, Councillor Tim Hamilton-Cox
Hanna, Councillor Chris Hanna
Hanson, Councillor John Hanson
Harris, Councillor Prof Chris Harris
Hart, Councillor Paul Hart
Hartley, Councillor Colin Hartley JP
Hunter, Councillor Ross Hunter
Jackson, Councillor Caroline Jackson
Jackson, Councillor Peter Jackson
Knight, Councillor Kate Knight
Lenox, Councillor Jack Lenox
Livermore, Councillor John Livermore
Maddocks, Councillor Sally Maddocks
Maddocks, Councillor Sophie Maddocks
McGowan, Councillor Sarah McGowan
McGregor, Councillor Shelagh McGregor
Metcalf-Riener, Councillor Isabella Metcalf-Riene
Mills, Councillor Abi Mills
Mills, Councillor Hamish Mills
Newton, Councillor Paul Newton
Otway, Councillor Andrew Otway
Parr, Councillor Jean Parr
Pattison, Councillor Margaret Pattison
Penney, Councillor Susan Penney
Potter, Councillor Catherine Potter
Pritchard, Councillor Joyce Pritchard
Punshon, Councillor Sarah Punshon
Redfern, Councillor Robert Redfern
Riches, Councillor Sam Riches
Russell, Councillor Grace Russell
Sommerville, Councillor James Sommerville
Stubbins, Councillor Paul Stubbins
Stubbs, Councillor Jackson Stubbs
Thornberry, Councillor Sandra Thornberry
Tyldesley, Councillor Sue Tyldesley
Tynan, Councillor Paul Tynan
Whitaker, Councillor David Whitaker
Wild, Councillor John Wild
Wilkinson, Councillor Nick Wilkinson
Wood, Councillor Jason Wood
Tuesday, 16th April 2024 6.00 p.m. - Cabinet
Declarations of Interest
Councillor Catherine Potter
- Other Interest (Non-prejudicial) - In view of her being a private landlord though not in the West End