Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Land South Of Burrow Beck Bailrigg Lane Lancaster'
- Councillor Paul Tynan - Other Interest (Non-prejudicial) - Councillor Paul Tynan declared an interest in agenda item A5 23/01383/FUL Land South of Burrow Beck, Bailrigg Lane, Lancaster. The reason being that he was a Ward Councillor for this application. Councillor Tynan stated that he would be viewing the application fairly and with an open mind.
- Councillor Sally Maddocks - Other Interest (Non-prejudicial) - Councillor Sally Maddocks declared an interest in agenda item A5 23/01383/FUL Land South of Burrow Beck, Bailrigg Lane, Lancaster. The reason being that she was a Ward Councillor for this application. Councillor Maddocks stated that she would be viewing the application fairly and with an open mind.
- Councillor Tim Hamilton-Cox - Other Interest (Prejudicial) - Councillor Tim Hamilton-Cox declared an interest in agenda item A5 23/01383/FUL Land South of Burrow Beck, Bailrigg Lane, Lancaster. The reason being that he was a member of the Cabinet of Lancaster City Council where the application had been previously discussed. Consequently, Councillor Hamilton-Cox would recuse himself from the meeting for the duration of consideration of this item.