Declarations of interest for agenda item '98 Aldcliffe Road Lancaster Lancashire LA1 5BE'
- Councillor Dave Brookes - Other Interest (Non-prejudicial) - Councillor Dave Brookes declared an interest in agenda item A11: 21/00584/FUL 98 Aldcliffe Road, Lancaster. The reason being that the application was by a relative of a city councillor in the Green Group. Councillor Brookes stated that he would not take part in the deliberations nor in the vote for this application.
- Councillor Mandy Bannon - Other Interest (Non-prejudicial) - Councillor Mandy Bannon declared an interest in agenda item A11: 21/00584/FUL 98 Aldcliffe Road, Lancaster. The reason being that the application was by a relative of a city councillor in the Green Group. Councillor Bannon stated that she would not take part in the deliberations nor in the vote for this application.