Issue details

Lancaster Square Routes

To provide an update regarding the design work undertaken to date and to consider what level of funding provision the Council might make from 2011/12 to facilitate delivery of public realm improvement schemes in the city centre.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Financial and Community Impact;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Castle Ward; Duke's Ward;

Decision due: 5 October 2010 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Abbott Bryning

Department: Regeneration and Planning

Contact: Julian Inman, Senior Planner (Regeneration) Kate Smith, Regeneration Officer, (01524) 582337, Email: Email: Tel: 01524 582336.

Consultation process

Extensive public, member and stakeholder consultations as detailed in the Cabinet report of 23 June 2009 (minute 23) and detailed further in the 8 December 2009 Cabinet report (minute 95). Methods included public display, dedicated webpage, press releases, emails, Facebook profile and group, video and podwalk.


Public, including four local schools.
Members, including briefing sessions for Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny and full Council
Internal officers, including CC(D)S, Cultural, Tourism and Planning Services
Lancashire County Council, including Highways and Museums
Lancashire Police
Lancashire Prison Service
MAPS Community Safety group
Local arts groups, including Litfest and Dukes

Date for representations to be received: Not applicable

Background papers and reason no public access: Minute 95 Cabinet 8 December 2009 Minute 23 Cabinet 23 June 2009