Issue details

Shared Service Arrangement with Preston City Council for Revenues and Benefits Service

Further to previous decisions, work is underway on the feasibility of a shared service arrangement for the administration of Revenues and Benefits. An update report was considered at August Cabinet, and it is anticipated that the full business case will be reported in December to inform a final decision.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Financial Threshold;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 7 December 2010 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Stuart Langhorn, Leader of the Council and Portfolio holder for LDLSP Management Group Board

Department: Governance and Resources

Contact: Nadine Muschamp, Chief Officer (Resources) and Section 151 Officer Email: Email: Tel: 01524 582117.

Consultation process

As above.


Formal Staff/Union Consultation Will Be Undertaken In Accordance With The Council's Protocol

Date for representations to be received: To be confirmed - subsequent to Cabinet taking a decision, staffing matters would be considered by Personnel Committee.

Background papers and reason no public access: None

Agenda items