To outline, and seek approval for, the City Council’s role in supporting employment and skills activities identified in the LSP Education, Skills and Opportunities Thematic Group Action Plan as a response to worklessness within the District. These activities include a funding bid to the LSP for a Worklessness Pilot Project focused on outreach and engagement with hard to reach individuals and groups in the District’s most deprived areas.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Financial and Community Impact;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Harbour Ward; Heysham North Ward; Poulton Ward; Skerton East Ward; Westgate Ward;
Decision due: 17 March 2009 by Cabinet
Lead member: Councillor Evelyn Archer, Councillor Roger Mace
Department: Environmental Services
Contact: Angela Parkinson, Senior Solicitor Email: Tel: 582000.
Consultation process
Date for representations to be received: Not applicable Decision has been delayed from December 2008 pending the outcome of the bid for funding. The report has been substantially amended to incorporate the Council's wider approach to worklessness and a new funding bid.
Background papers and reason no public access: None