Issue details

Participatory Budgeting

This is to be a follow up report to the report already considered by Cabinet in June 2008 giving further details on implementation options.


It was resolved at the previous Cabinet meeting:


That a further report identifying specific opportunities to proceed with the development of Participatory Budgeting be brought back to a later Cabinet meeting. 

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Community Impact;

Decision status: Deleted

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Department: Chief Officer - Resources

Contact: John Deacon Email:

Consultation process

In writing via email to John Deacon, Project Director, Neighbourhood Task Force.


Local Residents of Poulton.

Date for representations to be received: Deadline has now passed. Reason decision has been delayed from 2nd September 2008 - This report has been delayed so that it can be considered at the conclusion of the budgeting process. THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE FORWARD PLAN AND WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE BUDGETING REPORT.

Background papers and reason no public access: None