Issue details

Treasury Management Strategy 2008/09

Formal approval of Treasury Management Strategy by Cabinet is required before 01 April, though some aspects also require full Council approval and will be referred on accordingly. The Strategy sets out overall borrowing and related budget assumptions for 2008/09.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Financial and Community Impact;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 19 February 2008 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Roger Mace

Department: Governance and Resources

Contact: Nadine Muschamp, Chief Officer (Resources) and Section 151 Officer E-mail:; tel: 01524 582140/582201 Tel: 01524 582117.

Consultation process

Consultation will be with Butlers as our Treasury advisors, there will be no further consultation as the Strategy reflects in Treasury terms what is coming out of the budget process.


No groups identified, although the Council’s professional advisors will be consulted.

Date for representations to be received: N/A.

Background papers and reason no public access: N/A.