Issue - decisions

Lancaster City Centre Draft Car Parking Strategy -
Consultation Report Update and Strategic Parking Numbers

25/10/2024 - Lancaster City Centre Draft Car Parking Strategy - Consultation Report Update and Strategic Parking Numbers

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Parr)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer Sustainable Growth to consider an initial specific issue of parking space numbers and policy implications arising from the public consultation on the Lancaster City Centre Draft Car Parking Strategy 2024.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: Progressing Lancaster city centre parking policy options within the context of providing between 1400 and 1500 council operated car parking spaces

Option 2: Progressing Lancaster city centre parking policy options with the intention of retaining the Draft Strategy recommendation of between 1300 and 1400 council operated car parking spaces


Provides additional comfort, in terms of the ongoing maintenance of city centre economic health, city centre accessibility and car user utility, for the release of the Nelson street car park for housing to be progressed.


 Provides a more flexible benchmark for future specific policy considerations to inform decisions on the city council’s car parking portfolio.


Regarded as an optimal number of city centre parking spaces provided by the city council to continue to meet general and peak demand periods for the immediate future.


Provides further comfort to business and community stakeholders that the council impacts from any current and future proposed surface car park disposal policies.


 Provides critical context, certainty, and impetus to improve and develop the council’s asset management strategy and future car parking portfolio.

Provides some certainty and a as benchmark for future specific policy considerations to inform decisions on the city council’s car parking portfolio


Requires increased mitigation and planning for additional car parking numbers when considering future strategy and any proposed surface car park disposal decisions.

Provides less comfort to business and community stakeholders that accessibility and car user utility can be delivered.


Regarded by officers as a sub[1]optimal number of city centre parking spaces provided by the city council to meet general and peak demand periods for the immediate future.


Officers are dealing with imperfect information and future demand and supply variables are hard to predict.


 Ongoing and improved monitoring of car park usage to inform future decisions is essential to mitigate and review any impacts on car parking portfolio decisions

As Option 1.


Potential future issues in managing car parking demand in terms of highway and other impacts.


Following Members’ consideration and confirmation that the increase in strategic parking numbers meets the council’s objectives and its wider policy aspirations, Option 1 is preferred by officers.


Concerns from the business community, about the long-term provision of public parking, and general parking are understood. Through the draft Lancaster City Centre Car Parking Strategy and Action Plan, alongside ongoing work with county council, the issue will be addressed at a strategic city-wide level, with appreciation of the statutory strategic policy imperatives the city council is working within.


Principally these are: its declared Climate Emergency, the Lancaster Highways and Transport Masterplan 2016, and the need to promote modal shift towards sustainable forms of transport such as cycling, walking and public transport. All of these matters have to be balanced pragmatically with the need to maintain sufficient car parking for general city centre economic health and accessibility.


Councillor Parr proposed, seconded by Councillor Wood:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”

By way of an amendment, Councillor Hamilton-Cox proposed that ‘subject to confirmation of that requirement when evidenced by data garnered from a proposed investment in ANPR technology in the council's car parks.’ be added to the end of recommendation (1).

It was noted that ANPR had not been agreed yet and clarification was sought from the Monitoring Officer.   As a result of this clarification the amendment was subsequently re-worded to read subject to satisfactory evidence being collated of need.’  The re-worded amendment was accepted as a friendly amendment by the proposer and seconder of the original motion.


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:



(1)        That future car parking policy options for Lancaster city centre are developed within a strategic context of providing between 1400 and 1500 council operated car parking spaces, with an ambition to achieve the higher figure subject to satisfactory evidence being collated of need.


(2)        That the Lancaster City Centre Car Parking Strategy and Action Plan adopts this criteria and framework in any future Strategy iterations to be considered by Cabinet.


(3)        That maintaining an optimal and efficiently managed quantity of public car parking provision in and around Lancaster city centre is a key priority for the city council, and its long-term provision, location and typology should form an explicit part of the sustainable travel and transport policy agenda for the city.


(4)        That he increase in strategic numbers provides Cabinet with further comfort, in terms of the ongoing maintenance of city centre economic health, city centre accessibility and car user utility, for the progression of the planned release of Nelson street car park for affordable housing.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer Sustainable Growth


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is consistent with the Council Plan:


A Sustainable District – car parking provision and car use is a consideration in meeting the challenges of the council’s declared Climate Emergency and a range of other council objectives.


An Inclusive and Prosperous Local Economy – building a sustainable and just local

economy that benefits people and organisations needs to consider car parking provision as a key feature of accessibility for certain groups and communities.


Healthy and Happy Communities – tackling car parking provision and some of the negative consequences inherent in the current portfolio will contribute to healthy and happy community objectives


A Co-Operative, Kind and Responsible Council – further consultation and ongoing discussion with stakeholders will achieve the best outcomes for in tandem with running efficient quality public services, of which car parking provision is a key service provision.


The council recognises that having an appropriate level of car parking in the city is important to support the economy and provide a range and choice of transport options and to ensure accessibility for the less mobile and populations underserved by public transport. An agreed increase in optimal strategic parking numbers to up to 1500 provides critical context and framing for the council’s ambitions to provide parking provision that is fit for purpose and fit for the future.