Issue - decisions


06/06/2024 - Annual Complaints Report

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Wood)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer- Housing and Property to provide an update on changes to complaints handling in line with the new joint Code of Practice from the Housing Ombudsman and Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, including share performance information and required / voluntary self-assessments.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: That the approach to complaint code compliance as set out in this report be approved

Option 2: That an alternative approach to complaint handling be proposed


Reassurance remains in place with regard to housing complaints, and the Council uses the voluntary requirements of the code to improve and standardise complaint handling across the wider Council with a view to compliance within 12 months time, in preparation for the LGSCO mandating this requirement



The Council accepts current non-compliance as a realistic position for non-housing complaints with a view to continuous improvement.



Inconsistency of complaint handling while new processes are bedded in.



Option 1 is the preferred officer option as this allows officers to work towards a realistic plan for full compliance across the Council.



Councillor Wood proposed, seconded by Councillor Caroline Jackson:-


“That recommendation 1 as set out in the report be approved with recommendation 2 revised to read: that Cabinet delegate the ability to provide a publishable statement to Chief Officer for Housing and Property in consultation with the portfolio holder with responsibility for Complaints.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)           That Cabinet notes the proposal set out in this report and approves the principles and approach to complaint handling across the Council.


(2)         That Cabinet delegate the ability to provide a publishable statement to Chief Officer for Housing and Property in consultation with the portfolio holder with responsibility for Complaints.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer – Housing and Property


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is consistent with the Council Plan priority of A Co-operative, Kind, and Responsible Council.


Effective complaint handling and the adoption of a positive complaints culture offers vital feedback on service delivery and should be treated as an opportunity for improvement. The joint Complaint Code adopted by the HO and LGCSO provides clarity in this area. It prioritises open, transparent communication with complainants; consistency in responses and response times; accessibility for complainants; and a strong focus on evidenced learning from complaints. The proposals set out in the report outline the Council’s commitment to effective complaint handling, confirms in which areas the Council is already compliant, and outlines an ambition for full compliance.