Issue - decisions

Lancaster City Council Corporate Branding (Version 2)

04/03/2022 - Lancaster City Council Corporate Branding

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Caroline Jackson)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Executive that sought approval for the newly designed version of the Lancaster City Council logo as part of a wider corporate branding development project and sought approval to develop a brand implementation programme that would build a consistent identity across the district and council services which incorporate the principles of the new logo design.  The item had been deferred from the Cabinet meeting on 18 January 2022 in order that enable officers could hopefully address the concerns that were raised at the time (Cabinet minute 68 refers).


Whilst the report was public the appendices were exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Approve the newly designed version of the Lancaster City Council logo and develop a brand implementation programme


• Opportunity to refresh the city council logo and re-establish its brand, reflecting the current community focus and engagement work

• A logo that is more representative of the district and a brand that recognises the different geographical locations and their characteristics

• The change addresses key research results from members and senior stakeholder groups

• Opportunity to realign services to the parent brand and establish brand consistency • Raise awareness of the city council and its renewed focus

• Improve current perceptions of the city council to both staff and external audiences

• Strengthen partnership working across the district and the subregion

• Provide an engaged approach that takes account of business needs • Potential to drive commercial revenues

• Opportunity for national and local PR




Brand imagery is subjective and can illicit different responses. For this reason, the brand development work was researched and consulted with key stakeholders and senior staff with a high level of support – therefore mitigating risk.

Option 2: Do not approve the newly designed version of the Lancaster City Council logo nor develop a brand implementation programme




• Current logo and brand of the city council may remain outdated in the eyes of key stakeholders

• Council and services will remain fragmented and lack brand consistency

• Public perception of the council could remain detached from the progressive and positive changes the council is implementing

• Opportunities to build on the current very high levels of public and business engagement will be undermined

• Limiting commercial opportunities

• Lack of unity or recognition across district


Potential to attract staff could have consequences on service delivery


The Officer preferred option is Option 1, which is to approve the newly designed version of the Lancaster City Council logo and develop a brand implementation programme. This will improve current perceptions of the city council to its multiple stakeholders, while firmly positioning the council as an innovative and forward[1]thinking organisation which is open to change. The programme would involve the brand imagery being designed and adapted to reflect the individual geographical locations and their characteristics within the district.


After much discussion Councillor Caroline Jackson proposed, seconded by Councillor Dowding:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-




(7 Members (Councillors Brookes, Dowding, Hamilton-Cox, Frea, Heath, Jackson and Matthews) voted in favour, and 3 Members  (Councillors  Lewis, Thornberry and Whitehead) abstained.)


(1)        That Cabinet approves the decommissioning of the current Lancaster City Council logo and the implementation of the newly designed logo.


(2)        That Cabinet approves the development of a phased brand implementation programme that will build a consistent brand identity across the district and council services.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive


Reasons for making the decision:


The council has evolved and changed dramatically, both in terms of the services it delivers and how it engages with its communities. The existing logo does not represent the inclusive, forward-thinking and innovative council that we now are, and so the council wants to refresh its brand image to reflect its new focus and encompass the whole district. As part of brand development work, a change in the current council logo would help transform public perception of the council, allowing it to be seen as friendly and outward[1]focused, while also inspiring staff internally as they recognise the council as an employer of opportunity and innovation.


The proposal is entirely consistent with and supports Lancaster City Council’s policy framework by increasing public awareness of the council and its overall brand characteristics as highlighted in the research.