Issue - decisions

Mainway's proposal to progress the project

10/12/2021 - Proposal to purchase land adjacent to Mainway

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Matthews)


Cabinet received a report from the Director for Communities & the Environment that sought in principle support from Members for the acquisition of the redundant former Skerton High School subject to full due diligence and sought to negotiate terms of purchase with Lancashire County Council for subsequent approval. The acquisition of the school site would play an important component opportunity as to how best to deliver a comprehensive regeneration proposal for the Mainway estate for which a detailed option report is being finalised.  Whilst the report was public the appendices were exempt.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Acquire the redundant Skerton High School site


 Integrating the school site into the Mainway proposals, increases Housing numbers; improves housing mix; delivers community amenity; provides playing fields for wider community and sports group use; improves access to and from Mainway for pedestrian / cycle and vehicles – linking the riverside to Ryelands and beyond. Enhanced placemaking and creates a real opportunity to reverse the cycle of decline and make Skerton East a place to live with one of aspiration.


Acquiring the site establishes the control need to deliver this transformational opportunity rather than allowing the site to go to a third party who may not deliver anything on the site that meets the core priorities of the Council.


The Delivery of the school site and Mainway will be undertaken with strategic partners who will provide expertise and capacity and help mitigate the risks of development and debt exposure.


None known.


There are restrictions on the title and potential issues with the buildings – such as voids in the ground & asbestos etc. All of these are being fully investigated prior to acquisition. Abnormal costs associated with any such matters will be worked through with Lancashire County Council as part of the finalisation of terms of purchase. The school transfer will be conditional on Secretary of State’s approval – which is not guaranteed.

Option 2: Do not acquire the School site


Not pursuing the acquisition will reduce the scale of the project.


Leaving the site as a redundant site, should Lancashire County Council not do anything with it, will impact on the ambitious and huge place making investment being proposed for Mainway.


Should Lancashire County Council decide to dispose of the site on the open market, Lancaster City Council is then open to a risk of who buys it, what they might seek to deliver on it and significantly reduce the social, environmental and community benefits having control over the site provides.


Not having control of the school site directly undermines the potential investment in Mainway.



The officer preferred option is Option 1. This is the only option that gives the Council control over the wider site and allows the Council the opportunity to then influence the significant social, environmental and economic gains possible. It has the choice at that point to deliver development proposals directly or with chosen partners, who can meet the wider Council priorities and ensure any subsequent development maximise the opportunity this site provides for the community of East Skerton.


In accordance with the Chair’s discretion regarding questions on reports (Cabinet Procedure Rule 17) Councillor Parr addressed the meeting and the portfolio holder responded to her questions.


Councillor Matthews proposed, seconded by Councillor Dowding:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That Cabinet approves, in principle, the purchase of the redundant area of the former Skerton High School, that purchase being conditional on:


            (a) Consent by the Secretary of State for the relevant school land transactions

            (b) Satisfactory Legal title

(c) Satisfaction of physical due diligence to be undertaken on the land and buildings to be transferred.

(d) Clarity on how the ongoing educational facility (the Chadwick Centre) on the retained Lancashire County Council land will operate and that all safeguarding measures have been addressed.

(e) Terms of Purchase – yet to be agreed, although an anticipated purchase figure is detailed in the exempt Appendix .


(2)       That a detailed paper being brought back to Cabinet addressing all the above for consideration and approval in due course.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Director for Communities & the Environment


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is consistent with the Council Priorities:

· A Sustainable District –Climate Emergency: The design and master planning will seek to ensure that the properties are resilient to a changing climate and are fit for a zero-carbon future.

· An Inclusive and Prosperous Local Economy – through the creation of jobs and training and opportunities for local companies. The reduction of blight key location, and provision of affordable, suitable housing which enables access to employment and reduces poverty. Ensuring money is spent locally.

· Happy and Healthy Communities – proposals contribute to the well-being of tenants, tackle health inequalities and provide quality housing and green space.

· A Co-operative, Kind and Responsible Council – working in partnership and truly listening to tenant voices through consultation has supported the future designs of the estate.


The decision is also consistent with the Local Plan and contributes towards the provision of housing to meet a locally identified need and opportunities to increase the choice and supply of social housing as well as the  Housing Strategy as it will link directly to the Homes Strategy for Lancaster district 2020- 2025.