Issue - decisions

Covid-19 Pandemic- Policy for decision making and spending delegations within the Budget and Police Framework - Public Realm

09/10/2020 - Covid-19 Pandemic- Policy for decision making and spending delegations within the Budget and Police Framework - Public Realm

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Brookes & Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Director for Communities and Environment that sought authorisation to commit expenditure in accordance with the ‘Covid-19 Pandemic Policy for decision making and spending delegations within the Budget and Policy Framework.’  Approval was sought to spend on a Mini zoo upgrade at Williamson Park, Car Parking Machine replacement and a Footpath replacement at Happy Mount Park as appended to the report.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1- To support the spend for the outlined revenue and capital schemes

Option 2 – Not support the spend for the outlined revenue and capital schemes


Option 1: Support the spend


Help to maintain and generate additional income


Additional spend of revenue during pandemic


Levels of income estimates may not be achieved


Option 2: Spend is not supported


Finances can be reallocated to other areas


Income streams within the public realm will not be met

Standard of the public realm will deteriorate


Levels of income estimates may not be achieved


The officer preferred option is Option1 on the basis that the outlined tasks need to be

addressed to ensure facilities and operations can achieve income levels and corporate



Councillor Brookes proposed, seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“That the recommendation, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


That officers be authorised to proceed with the following projects as detailed in the report:-


·        The allocation of £24K to complete the mini-zoo project at Williamson Park.

·        Approval to spend £85K to install 20 new pay and display car parking machines.

·        The allocation of £112K to replace footpaths at Happy Mount Park.






Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Director for Communities and the Environment


Reasons for making the decision:


The ‘Covid-19 Pandemic- Policy’ for decision making and spending delegations within the Budget and Policy Framework’ states all decisions on the use of reserves, the commencement of new capital projects or re-commencement of capital projects halted by the pandemic will require approval of cabinet irrespective of the financial level. In the area of Public Realm the 3 projects considered at this meeting were previously agreed and budgeted for and now required Cabinet approval to commence or recommence.


The decision is consistent with the Council’s priority of Healthy and Happy Communities: Keeping our districts neighbourhoods, parks, beaches and open space clean, well-maintained and safe.