Issue - decisions

Arts Commissioning

22/09/2014 - Arts Commissioning

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Sands)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning) which advised on the proposed means of managing the Council’s funding for Arts in the district, in line with Corporate Plan priorities.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: Move to a commissioning approach for investment in the Arts by April 2017

Option 2: Introduce a grants scheme


Agreed outcomes provide clarity on what the City Council wishes to achieve as a result of investment in the Arts


Improved information on need/ demand and impact as a result of assessment and analysis


A  fair and transparent framework for investment decisions


Competitive process provides assurance of Value for Money


Generation of new ideas as a result of creative input from Arts providers


A three year commissioning cycle provides an opportunity to plan and develop Arts provision more strategically


Potential opportunity to work strategically with other funders.

Some assurance of Value for Money


Fairness and transparency provided as part of a competitive process


Potentially requires less officer time than commissioning to establish, although overall work will be dependent on numbers of applicants for bidding rounds


Creates uncertainty over future investment for existing SLA partners


Significant officer time required and it is likely there will be competing priorities



The City Council’s strategic approach to investment in Arts in the district would not be developed


No opportunity for research and engagement to inform the development of strategic outcomes


Potential gaps in service provision


Impact limited to projects coming forward




Potential short term risk to Arts funding coming in to the district, as a result of uncertainty.  Can be mitigated by clear communications with funding partners.


Management of expectations is a key risk with most grant schemes.  Some mitigation can be achieved by clear scheme communications.


The Officer Preferred Option is Option 1 as this provides a more strategic, long term approach to arts investment with the potential for improved outcomes that are clearly linked to the Council’s priorities.  Engagement with arts providers as part of the commissioning process is more likely to lead to the development of quality services that are informed by the needs and preferences of audiences.


The Council has invested in Arts in the district for many years and as a result of this and additional investment by, in particular, Lancashire County Council and the Arts Council, the district has a strong and growing creative arts economy.  This offer is of great value to visitors, both local and from further afield, but also makes an important contribution to quality of life for local communities.  In economic terms, quality of life is also a key component of the offer to potential inward investors, companies wishing to locate and invest in the district. 


Councillor Hanson proposed, seconded by Councillor Blamire:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)                    That commissioning for the Council’s investment in arts provision in the district is implemented by April 2017, subject to budget and resource requirements.

(2)                    That existing Service level Agreements continue until March 2017 but that broad criteria already agreed as part of the Commissioning Framework are used as the basis of monitoring and evaluation arrangements.

(3)                    That the linkage between any Service Level Agreement funding to March 2017 and rent payable by arts organisations be removed, subject to any further consideration during the budget.

(4)                    That the Arts Development budget is retained, to be considered alongside mainstream investment to support small scale, innovative or developmental arts activities, but that the budget is reviewed to ensure investments are broadly in line with criteria already agreed for commissioned services.

(5)                    That early communication is undertaken with those organisations with which the Council has a current Service Level Agreement and also with other Arts funders.

Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning)

Chief Officer (Resources)


Reasons for making the decision:


Investment in the Arts supports delivery of the Council’s Corporate Priority of Sustainable Economic Growth, specifically contributing to the delivery of the Corporate Outcome:- “The attractiveness and offer of the district, as a place to visit or invest in, will be improved.”  The decision will strengthen the Council’s arrangements for meeting its statutory obligations around securing continuous improvement/value for money.