Issue - decisions

Commissioning Arrangements for the Voluntary Sector

10/12/2012 - Commissioning Arrangements for the Voluntary Sector

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Barry)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Community Engagement to advise members of progress to date in developing a Commissioning Plan to support the voluntary, community and faith sector in delivering services to meet current and emerging local needs.


A detailed options analysis and risk assessment was developed as part of the November report to Cabinet (Minute 71 refers).  This report provided information relevant to Resolution 8:


“That the Commissioning Plan and service specification be approved at the December Cabinet meeting, prior to publication of the plan.”


The Council had taken steps towards introducing the commissioning arrangements proposed in this report over the last two years.  Detailed reviews of current SLA’s, an assessment of local needs and opportunities and communications and engagement work with the VCFS had been undertaken, leading to these proposals.  The recommendations provided a means of steering the council’s investment in VCFS services to achieve the maximum impact linked to current needs and opportunities in the district.  In addition, they would provide clear, transparent arrangements that focused on value for money and impact and supported the principle already agreed by Cabinet at earlier meetings.  Specific steps had been taken to work with Lancashire County Council with the potential to invest jointly providing a more strategic investment in some services. 


The preferred officer option was to approve the Commissioning Plan and funding allocations as per Appendix A and B of the report.


Councillor Barry proposed, seconded by Councillor Hamilton-Cox:-


“(1)      That the timetable and process for development of a Commissioning Plan be noted and the Plan approved for publication following the inclusion of ‘Disabilities’ within the Delivery Plan Advice and Information Services (commissioned services).


(2)        That the General Fund Budget assumptions for future years be noted.


(3)        That the portfolio holder and Leader meet with relevant officers to agree the allocations of funding for each of the services to be commissioned subject to final confirmation as part of the budget process.”



Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That the timetable and process for development of a Commissioning Plan be noted and the Plan approved for publication following the inclusion of ‘Disabilities’ within the Delivery Plan Advice and Information Services (commissioned services).


(2)        That the General Fund Budget assumptions for future years be noted.


(3)        That the portfolio holder and Leader meet with relevant officers to agree the allocations of funding for each of the services to be commissioned subject to final confirmation as part of the budget process.



Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Community Engagement


Reasons for making the decision:


Proposed commissioning arrangements fit with Corporate Plan priorities and outcomes as follows:

·  The voluntary, community and faith sector has capacity to deliver services for the district

·  Local communities are actively working with partners to improve where they live in ways that matter to them

·  Efficiency savings and service improvements achieved through joint working and shared services

·  Impact of welfare reforms managed well to avoid any unnecessary impact on local communities