Issue - decisions

Performance Reward Grant Funding

12/10/2012 - Performance Reward Grant Funding

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Blamire)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Community Engagement to seek approval of members for amendments to the allocation of the Performance Reward Grant funding previously allocated towards the Warm Homes Scheme.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: The council directs PRG funding to the HIA to deliver a Affordable Warmth Improvement Programme which is supportive of the original aims of the Warm Homes scheme

Option 2: Take back the funds to address other priorities within the capital programme


·         Provides tangible benefits for vulnerable people

·         Contributes to the achievement of one of the Council’s Corporate Priorities

·         Funds could be delivered as part of a capital programme through the HIA utilising their existing technical staff

·         The HIA have many years of experience delivering similar home improvement type grants utilising our directly employed handypersons and local approved contractors to carry improvements for vulnerable residents

·         The council will be able to redirect the funds to meet alternative objectives


·         Some officer time required to administer funds and monitor progress

·         Fund will be unavailable to support other initiatives

·         The council will have lost an opportunity to reduce mortality and help vulnerable groups increase their resilience to periods of cold weather

·         Council will have reduced capacity to achieve Health and Wellbeing success measures


·          Project outcomes not delivered  - low risk but could occur due to failure to reach relevant client groups

·         Mitigation: The HIA have an excellent track record of delivering similar schemes and have management arrangements in place to address any issues which may arise


·         Priorities may change dependent on need – Low risk but could change the type of assistance provided by the HIA

·         Mitigation: Delegated decision making to the Leader of the Council will allow for quick progress.

·         Dependent on the alternative use of the funds

·         The PRG funding has been provided to support a range of partnership initiatives. Partners in the district have been engaged in the process of identifying priorities and will have expectations for the use of the funds


The officer preferred option was Option 1 as this delivered the original objectives of the funding and supported Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and Success Measures in the Council’s Corporate Plan.   The Council could demonstrate its strong commitment to health and wellbeing in the Lancaster district by directing the available PRG funding towards the proposed Affordable Warmth Improvement Programme. This would enable the HIA to offer support to vulnerable residents which was not available elsewhere. However, these initiatives were complex and amendments to the plans would certainly be required – by delegating authority to the Leader to approve those decisions Cabinet would ensure that approval was given in a timely manner.


Through identifying and applying for additional external funding where opportunities might arise, Cabinet would be able to continue to add value to affordable warmth related activities operating in the district.  Affordable Warmth was also being considered as a priority in the emerging county wide Health and well being strategy being developed by the Shadow Health and well being Board and was also being targeted for intervention by our local clinical commissioning group.


Councillor Blamire proposed, seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“(1)      That recommendations 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as set out in the report, be approved but that only half of the £96,521.00 be allocated at this time with a report back to Cabinet later in the municipal year to determine how the remainder of the grant be utilised.


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That half of the £96,521.00 of the Performance Reward Grant Funding be allocated at this time with a report back to Cabinet later in the municipal year to determine how the remainder of the grant be utilised.



(2)       That any PRG funds allocated to the Affordable Warmth Improvement Programme are specifically used to support measures to reduce the level of excess deaths and avoid hospital admissions that are due to vulnerable people living in cold housing conditions.


(3)        That subject to Cabinet’s support for the Affordable Warmth Improvement Programme, the Home Improvement Agency (HIA) within Health and Housing be the delivery agent.


(4)        That the authority to approve any further amendments specific to the Affordable Warmth Improvement Programme is delegated to the Leader of the council, ensuring that the council’s responsibilities for PRG are met.


(5)        That the General Fund Capital Programme be updated accordingly.


(6)        That the Head of Health and Housing be authorised to apply for any suitable external funding to support the delivery of affordable warmth related activities, subject to a fit with corporate priorities and Resources confirming that there be no additional call on the City Council.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Community Engagement

Head of Health & Housing

Head of Resources


Reasons for making the decision:


Health and Wellbeing is one of the key priorities within the Corporate Plan 2012-15 including “continuing work to improve the quality and availability of housing”. In particular, two of the Plan’s outcomes are to “enhanced quality of life of local residents through access to good quality housing” and “health and wellbeing improved and mortality rates reduced for vulnerable people in the district”. Furthermore, the Corporate Plan includes a success measure of the “number of vulnerable individuals benefiting from Warm Homes initiatives”.  The provision of a Affordable Warmth Improvement Programme will allow Lancaster City Council to achieve these outcomes and deliver the success measure.