Issue - decisions

Reorganisation of the Facilities Management function

06/07/2009 - Reorganisation of the Facilities Management function

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thomas)


(Councillor Fletcher declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in the following item in view of her work in the field of energy management).


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report to provide a new corporate approach to Facilities Management across the Council.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Officers are instructed to prepare a draft specification for the provision of facilities management functions on behalf of the City Council. This specification should reflect the issues and risks identified in the report. Failure to consider a remodelling of the existing provision leaves the Council at risk of failing to provide the most effective and efficient maintenance service and not achieving any progress in implementing its carbon management policies.


Option 2: That the existing level of service provision is maintained. This will leave the Council at risk of failing to provide the most effective and efficient maintenance service and not achieving any progress in implementing its carbon management policies.


The officer preferred option is Option 1.


It was moved by Councillor Thomas and seconded by Councillor Langhorn:-


“(1)      That officers are instructed to prepare a draft specification for the provision of facilities management functions on behalf of the City Council.”


By way of amendment, which was accepted as a friendly amendment by the mover and seconder of the original motion, Councillor Barry proposed and Councillor Fletcher seconded:


That energy management is given a high priority in order to facilitate the council’s response to climate change and to reduce costs to the council.”


Members then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)               That officers are instructed to prepare a draft specification for the provision of facilities management functions on behalf of the City Council.


(2)               That energy management is given a high priority in order to facilitate the council’s response to climate change and to reduce costs to the council.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision will allow a remodelling of the existing provision to make sure the Council provides the most effective and efficient maintenance service, which progresses its carbon management policies and addresses energy management.