Issue - decisions

Lancaster Market

19/03/2009 - Lancaster Market

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Archer)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted an exempt report updating Cabinet on the information requested in line with the resolutions made at the December 2008 Cabinet meeting.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred options  were set out in detail within the exempt report.


It was moved by Councillor Archer and seconded by Councillor Kerr:-


“(1)      That options 1 and 2, as set out in the exempt report, be approved.”


Members then voted:-




(6 Members (Councillors Archer, Blamire, Bryning, Burns, Gilbert and Kerr) voted in favour and 4 Members (Councillors Barry, Charles, Fletcher and Mace) abstained)


(1)        That options 1 and 2, as set out in the exempt report, be approved.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Property Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision provides the greatest opportunity to remove some or all of the Council’s deficit in the long term.