Issue - decisions

International Youth Games

12/12/2008 - International Youth Games 2009

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Gilbert and Fletcher)


The Chief Executive submitted a report to inform Cabinet of the options in respect of proposals for Lancaster to host the International Youth Games in the summer of 2009. 


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:







Continue with the arrangements

currently underway to hold the Games in the Lancaster

District in the summer of 2009,

utilising the identified budget of


Honours the invitations already extended to the Council’s Twin Towns and meets the expectations of local sports Clubs.


Does not assist in the pursuit of the £1.8m savings required to balance the budget for 2009/10.



Cancel the proposed Games

in the Lancaster District in 2009, saving the budget of £55,000.


Saves £55,000 in the 2009/10 budget


Having already issued invitations to the Games, the Council’s reputation with our Twin Towns may suffer both from a civic perspective but also in the disappointment for young people who will already be preparing themselves to compete. Similarly, there are expectations from young people in this district who will be taking part in trials and working towards competing in the Games in their home country.


Continue with arrangements to hold the Games in the Lancaster District in the summer of 2009, but reduce expenditure by cancelling the civic invitations and making cuts to other areas of expenditure.

Provides some savings in the 2009/10 budget. Honours the invitations already extended to the Council’s Twin Towns and meets the expectations of local sports clubs.


Having already issued invitations to the Games, the Council’s reputation with our Twin Towns may suffer from a civic perspective but this will be mitigated by continuing with the Games in a reduced format to enable the young people to participate. Does not provide the full £55,000 saving which would be achieved by cancelling the Games.



There is no officer preferred option. Work to prepare for and organise a Games in Lancaster has been included in the Business Plans for both Cultural Services and Democratic Services.


It was moved by Councillor Kerr and seconded by Councillor Charles:-


“(1)      That the proposed Youth Games in the Lancaster District in 2009 be cancelled, saving the budget of £55,000”.


By way of amendment, Councillor Gilbert proposed and Councillor Blamire seconded:


“That the arrangements to hold the Youth Games in the Lancaster District in the 2009 continue, but expenditure be reduced by cancelling the civic invitations and making cuts to other areas of expenditure and that officers look for any other possible savings.”


On being put to the vote, 2 Members voted in favour (Councillors Blamire and Gilbert) and 7 Members (Councillors Archer, Barry, Burns, Charles, Fletcher, Kerr and Mace) voted against the amendment, whereupon the Chairman declared the amendment lost.


Members then voted on the original proposition as follows:-




8 Members (Councillors Archer, Barry, Blamire, Burns, Charles, Fletcher, Kerr and Mace) voted in favour and 1 Member (Councillor Gilbert) voted against.


(1)        That the proposed Youth Games in the Lancaster District in 2009 be cancelled, saving the budget of £55,000.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive

Head of Democratic Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision will result in a saving of £55,000 in the Council’s 2009/10 budget.