Demolition of existing buildings and the redevelopment of the site for residential and community uses, comprising the erection of dwellinghouses and apartment blocks totalling 135 affordable residential units (C3 uses) and community space (Use Class E(d), F1 and F2), associated parking, vehicular and pedestrian accesses, public open space, two grass football pitches, landscaping, drainage, and associated infrastructure.
A5 |
24/00509/FUL |
Demolition of existing buildings and the redevelopment of the site for residential and community uses, comprising the erection of dwellinghouses and apartment blocks totalling 135 affordable residential units (C3 uses) and community space (Use Class E(d), F1 and F2), associated parking, vehicular and pedestrian accesses, public open space, two grass football pitches, landscaping, drainage, and associated infrastructure. |
Skerton Ward |
A(C) |
A site visit in respect of this application had been held on Monday 18th November 2024 by Councillors Louise Belcher, Dave Brookes, Keith Budden, Alan Greenwell, Martin Gawith, Colin Hartley, Margaret Pattison and Robert Redfern. In attendance was Planning Manager Mark Jackson.
It was proposed by Councillor Robert Redfern and seconded by Councillor Colin Hartley:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report and subject to an additional archaeological condition.”
Upon being put to the vote, 11 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and one abstention, whereupon the Vice-Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to:
· an additional archaeological condition;
and subject to the following conditions:
1. Time Limit.
2. Approved Plans.
3. Phasing Scheme.
4. Employment and Skills Plan.
5. Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP).
6. Construction Traffic Management Plan.
7. Site investigation and remediation scheme (additional sampling, method statement for asbestos).
8. Soil Importation.
9. Construction surface water management plan.
10. Final surface water drainage scheme.
11. Final construction details of all new access points/junctions (vehicle/ped/cycle).
12. Off-site highway improvement works.
13. Estate road details, lighting and maintenance scheme.
14. Site levels and finished floor levels.
15. Ecology mitigation and enhancement (bat roost opportunities).
16. Updated AIA and AMS.
17. Method statement for the eradication of invasive species.
18. Final scheme for sustainable design and energy measures based on Energy Report.
19. Full architectural details of all windows, doors, curtain glazing, roof details, feature canopies, porches, railings, balcony details/framing to be provided including material samples.
20. Full details of all boundary walls/fences/railings to be submitted and agreed, including any alterations to the Owen Road frontage wall and railings.
21. Final security scheme and external lighting.
22. Full landscaping details.
23. Details of cycle storage provision and retention thereafter.
24. Details of refuse storage and refuse management strategy.
25. Affordable Housing Scheme and ongoing restriction to use for affordable occupation.
26. Landscape & Habitat Management plan.
27. Management and Maintenance Plan for all on-site Open Space.
28. Timetable for the implementation and completion of all on-site public open space and retention thereafter.
29. Car parking management plan.
30. Verification approved drainage system has been installed.
31. Management and maintenance of the approved drainage system.
32. Homeowner Packs.
33. Provision of parking and turning facilities.
34. Acoustic mitigation set out in noise assessment.
35. Community centre use restriction.
36. Community centre hours of use.
37. Obscure glazing to south elevation window to plot 1.
38. Removal of permitted development rights (extensions, roof alternations, fencing and enclosures).
39. Protection of visibility splays.
Supporting documents: