Agenda item

Land East of The Limeburner’s Arms Main Road Nether Kellet

Relevant demolition of part of front boundary wall, demolition of existing building and outline planning application for the erection of up to 51 dwellings and the creation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, retaining walls and regrading of land.




Relevant demolition of part of front boundary wall, demolition of existing building and outline planning application for the erection of up to 51 dwellings and the creation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, retaining walls and regrading of land.

Kellet Ward



Under the scheme of public participation, Rachael Tedd, Jayne Crow, Jenny Jackson, Matthew Kneale, Maxine Jackson and Philip Wood all spoke in opposition to the application. Paul Tunstall (JWPC Ltd) responded in favour, with Ward councillor James Somerville also speaking in opposition.


A site visit in respect of this application had been held on Monday 18th November 2024 by Councillors Louise Belcher, Dave Brookes, Keith Budden, Alan Greenwell, Martin Gawith, Colin Hartley, Margaret Pattison and Robert Redfern. In attendance was Planning Manager Mark Jackson.


It was proposed by Councillor Martin Gawith and seconded by Councillor Martin Bottoms:


That the application be approved subject to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Planning and Climate Change to ensure:


·         an alleged drainage annotation is removed from the access plan;

·         await Natural England confirming they concur with the Council’s HRA conclusions;

·         completion of the planning obligation;


and subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 8 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with 3 against and 4 abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Planning and Climate Change to ensure:


·         an alleged drainage annotation is removed from the access plan;

·         await Natural England confirming they concur with the Council’s HRA conclusions;

·         the satisfactory completion of a Legal Agreement within 3 months of the date of this Committee meeting, and in the event that a satisfactory Section 106 Agreement is not concluded within the timescale above, or other agreed extension of time, delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Planning and Climate Change to refuse planning permission on the grounds that the obligations which make the development acceptable have not been legally secured;


and subject to the following conditions:


·         Provision of a 40% affordable housing, with precise details determined at reserved matters stage;

·         Financial contributions for open space calculated at reserved matters stage to go towards the equipped play area, provision of young persons facilities and improvements to the playing pitch at the village recreation area;

·         Provision of on-site amenity greenspace;

·         Setting up of a management company; and

·         Management and Maintenance of all landscaping, unadopted roads, lighting and drainage infrastructure, on-site open space, and on-site watercourses;

·         Biodiversity net gain, including an updated metric at the time of a reserved matters application, which continues to demonstrate 10% net gain and a Landscape and Ecological Creation and Management Plan showing 30 year management and investigation of peat on site and scheme for compensation/ re-use;


and subject to the following conditions:


1.    Timescale for submission of reserved matters application.

2.    Development in accordance with Approved Plans (location plan and access).

3.    Final surface water sustainable drainage strategy to be submitted.

4.    Construction surface water management plan.

5.    Construction Environmental Management Plan.

6.    Employment and Skills Plan.

7.    Details of finished floor and site levels (including gardens and open space) and any retaining structures.

8.    Precise scheme for ecology mitigation.

9.    Precise details of site access and associated off site highway improvements.

10.  Precise design details of the site access retaining walls and railings including scaled dimensions, materials, and stonework details (and sample panel).

11.  Updated Arboricultural Implications Assessment / Tree Protection Plan.

12.  Details of housing mix to accord with policy DM1.

13.  Details of the internal estate roads.

14.  Scheme for external lighting (street lighting and lighting of any open space).

15.  Scheme for the final energy efficiency and sustainable design measures for each dwelling.

16.  Sustainable drainage system operation and maintenance manual.

17.  Contaminated land verification report based on mitigate in Site Investigation and unforeseen contamination.

18.  Verification report of constructed sustainable drainage system.

19.  Details of the homeowner packs.

20.  Requirements of M4(2) accessibility and adaptability, space standards.

21.  Provision of turning and parking.

22.  Limit to maximum of 2 storey.

23.  Protection of visibility splays.

Supporting documents: