Agenda item

HR Policy Development and Review

Report of HR Policy and Strategy Lead. 


The HR Policy and Strategy Lead submitted a report that enabled the Committee to consider and approve the introduction of revised HR Policies which fall into the category of Standby, Callout and Overtime, Social Media and Mobile Phones and Smoking and Substance Misuse. 


Comments and amendments following the meeting of JCC on 30th September 2024 were set out in the report. 


The policy tracker, appended to the report, advised of further information on the changes to be reviewed.  For these policies these were:


HR Policy Amendments Tracker


Policy Section Number (new number)

Existing/New Section

Section Heading

Amendment/addition Notes


Standby, Callout and Overtime




Policy re branded to new format.



Generic Layout

Layout follows new format. Scope, Purpose, Roles & Responsibilities followed by the substantive provisions.

5.5 and 5.6


Home based callout

There has been some simplification to the system of home-based callout payments. Firstly, in relation to how “shift” is defined, so it is clear which day the callout falls on (and therefore what pay a colleague is entitled to), but also to the minimum callout payment. Previously either 30+minutes work or 3 individual calls would trigger a minimum callout payment of 2 hours. This has been simplified so that work exceeding 30 minutes will incur the 2-hour minimum, and work below 30 minutes or above 2 hours will be paid according to the actual time spent.




Including Overtime as part of the existing standby and callout policy as another related process/policy concerning additional payments to colleagues for additional work performed. We feel it sits more sensibly here than with flexi time (as flexi time is distinct from overtime).




Due to recent casework, an emphasis on ensuring that overtime is first approved by a line manager and is not worked before authorisation is granted.

Future proposed change



From April 2025 when the new budget is set for the financial year, the proposal is that these figures are linked to the real living wage as follows:

Weekly Rate     50% of 1 week’s pay at real living wage*

Day Rate          2.7 x real living wage hourly rate

*updated 1st April each year and can be found at

The proposal is essentially to link the standby rates to the real living wage (currently £12 per hour) so that they will automatically increase year on year. Based on the current rate of pay, this would equate to £222 per week (currently £160) and £32.40 per day (currently £22.86). From the limited information received from other Local Authorities around what they offer, this is in line with their current payments.


Social Media and Mobile Phones




Policy re branded to new format.



Generic Layout

Layout follows new format. Scope, Purpose, Roles & Responsibilities followed by the substantive provisions.




Consolidation of existing social media and mobile phone policy – to cover all communication in one HR policy


Deleted clause 6.1.3 of existing Social Media Policy


We have removed the expectation that employees delete the contact details of business contacts made during employment from personal social networking accounts. It is not only unlike they would have their contact details stored on social media as it is not a means of communicating via their contact details, but if colleagues have a friendship outside of work with business contacts and both parties are comfortable with that, we respect the right for them to communicate after termination.




We have removed the monitoring part of the policy as this is covered in the relevant IT policies which cover monitoring. This ensures that monitoring is updated consistently, and we are not duplicating information across policies owned by different teams.



Social media expectations

New inclusion following JCC feedback: Colleagues are encouraged to report any misuse of social media to their line manager, especially where anything on social media has been posted about them. If colleagues are suffering any form of abuse on social media, it is important that this is reported to the relevant authorities, but where there is any connection with the workplace, colleagues are encouraged to share this so that LCC can support them.




The policy has a new heading “breaches” to ensure that colleagues are made aware that breaches of the policy could be dealt with as a disciplinary matter. There is however a continued focus on de-escalation and ensuring that minor issues are dealt with informally, which the policy captures.


Deleted clause 3 of existing mobile phone policy

Paying for personal calls

The mobile policy was very outdated, referring to tariffs and personal use of company mobile phones. We have removed a lot of these references, and only where company mobiles are used to incur premium charges will there be any attempt at recouping these costs from colleagues.

Smoking and Substance Misuse




Policy introduced with branding to match new format.



Generic Layout

Layout follows new format. Scope, Purpose, Roles & Responsibilities followed by the entitlements and procedure to be followed.

5.5 and 5.6



Inclusion of right to search as follows:

5.5       We reserve the right to conduct searches for alcohol or drugs on our premises, including, but not limited to, searches of lockers, filing cabinets and desks, bags, clothing and packages. This would only be in circumstances where there was a strong suspicion (likely prompted by a report that a colleague has been seen with drugs or alcohol on work premises, and/or that alcohol or substance misuse is affecting the employee’s ability to work or putting other colleagues or the public at risk of harm). Anything found as a result of a search will be confiscated and action may be taken under the Disciplinary Policy, if you are an employee of LCC. Any refusal to comply with a search may also be considered under the Disciplinary Policy.

5.6        If an employee agrees to the search, they will always be informed of the reason for the search and LCC will ensure that the employee’s privacy is prioritised i.e. this will take place in a private room, with a witness present. If a physical search is necessary, this will be performed by a member of the same biological sex. If it is considered that a physical search is necessary, a line manager will first consider if this is appropriate for LCC to handle, or if it is more appropriate to contact the police. It will always be necessary to contact the police if the search would require the removal of any clothing (other than a jacket). If the search involves the employee’s personal property, the employee will be asked to remove/empty the contents to ensure that LCC has limited handling of any personal property. A log will be kept of the search, and the log itself will also be confidential. Employees are reminded that they are always free to refuse consent to a search, but in circumstances where there is a strong suspicion that an employee has drugs or alcohol in their possession, LCC may take this into account during ay subsequent disciplinary procedure.


Previous 6.1

Support available to employees


            We are proposing to withdraw the right to 2 hours paid leave to attend a smoking cessation consultation with Lancaster Smoking Cessation Service. This group no longer operates and there is no evidence that this type of leave has ever been applied for or utilised. We do not offer any paid leave for routine appointments and recommend removing this as inconsistent (despite it being well intentioned, it feels outdated).

New Support Services









It was moved by Councillor Professor Chris Harris and seconded by Councillor Caroline Jackson and unanimously resolved as follows. 


Resolved: -


That the introduction of revised HR Policies which fall into the category of Standby, Callout and Overtime, Social Media and Mobile Phones and Smoking and Substance Misuse, appended to the report, be approved, subject to the following amendments:


Standby, Callout and Overtime Policy


That the Standby payments, to be linked to the real living wage, be updated from 1st April 2025 and on 1st April each year. 


Social Media and Mobile Phone Policy


Amend paragraph 4.2 to include the wording “Any use of Council mobile phones which has an impact on productivity may be dealt with as a breach of this policy.” 


Smoking and Substance Misuse Policy


Substance Misuse


To include the following:


encourage you to report to that person’s line manager.


Where a Manager wishes to undertake a search to do a sense check and alert a Chief Officer and HR.  HR to keep a register and a reporting mechanism. 


This is to safeguard against a zealous Manager and alerts a Chief Officer to an issue, or a problem. 

Supporting documents: