Agenda item

Haweswater Aqueduct, Helks Brow, Wray, Lancashire

Proposed works for and use of replacement section of aqueduct, including earthworks and ancillary infrastructure including: a new valve house building within fenced compound with permanent vehicular access provision and an area of proposed ground raising for landscaping, with the installation of a tunnel shaft and an open cut connection area within a temporary construction compound, to include site accesses, storage areas, plant and machinery, and drainage infrastructure. In addition, a temporary satellite park and ride facility with vehicle marshalling area, a temporary residents' parking area; and a series of local highway works.




Proposed works for and use of replacement section of aqueduct, including earthworks and ancillary infrastructure including: a new valve house building within fenced compound with permanent vehicular access provision and an area of proposed ground raising for landscaping, with the installation of a tunnel shaft and an open cut connection area within a temporary construction compound, to include site accesses, storage areas, plant and machinery, and drainage infrastructure. In addition, a temporary satellite park and ride facility with vehicle marshalling area, a temporary residents' parking area; and a series of local highway works.

Halton-with-Aughton and Kellet Ward; Lower Lune Valley Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor Joyce Pritchard:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions and related obligations in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 12 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to the following conditions and related obligations:


·         Time Limit – to allow for the necessary commencement of the scheme.

·         Approved Plans and Documents – to ensure effective alignment between the proposed working arrangements and required environmental mitigations.

·         Phasing of Works – to allow for the agreement of the LPA to the specific timing/phasing of the proposed works. No works to commence at any specific location until appropriate complete details (including final extent and complete reinstatement proposals) have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the LPA. All works to then accord with those approved details.

·         Operating/Construction Code of Practice and Environmental Management Strategies – to tie the proposed ways of working to the agreed method statements and management strategies during the construction phase.

·         Final Construction Traffic Management Plan – to require and ensure the appointed contractor’s strict adherence with the agreed construction traffic management plan (CTMT) and arrangements (including specified access routes/impact mitigation measures and other actions) for each phase of development. The condition will also ensure implementation of highway improvements that are required by Lancashire Highways prior to any construction works commencing.

·         Appropriate Landscape Restoration, Reinstatement and Aftercare – to ensure the implementation of the required/agreed landscape and other reinstatements and for appropriate extended maintenance period.

·         Lower Houses and Other Compounds Schemes – to require the temporary working compound to be appropriately screened (including hoardings and other mechanisms), to be sympathetically illuminated and otherwise appropriately marshalled and operated.

·         Valve House Materials – to ensure the use of appropriate local building materials.

·         Approved Hours of Working – to ensure compliance with specified/agreed local working arrangements/the CTMP.

·         Tree/Landscape Safeguarding and Reinstatement Measures – no works to commence until required/agreed tree and landscape protection measures are in place/comprehensive reinstatement plans submitted and thereafter appropriately reinstated.

·         Scheme of Archaeological Works – in order to safeguard areas of archaeological importance.

·         Footpath Diversions and Reinstatements – in order to appropriately safeguard and reinstate the affected public footpaths.

·         AONB Safeguarding Conditions – requiring a Construction Environment Management Plan, Precautionary Working Methods, Habitat Creation Restoration and Management Plans and the appropriate removal of all temporary construction features.

·         Drainage/Flood Risk Assessment/Surface Water Sustainable Drainage/surface Water and Private Water Supply Management Plans – to ensure compliance with all the agreed water management solutions.

·         Employment and Skills Plan – to ensure compliance with the proposed related local employment opportunities.


- and subject to the following related planning obligations:


·         No Implementation until Waddington Fell Quarry Permission Extant.

·         Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gains/Compensatory habitats.

·         Provision of the Community Liaison Officer.

·         Ecological Clerk of Works.

·         Safeguarding of Existing Residences and Premises.

·         Traffic Impact Reinstatements.

·         Traffic Management Contributions.

·         Delivery of North Yorkshire Traffic Enhancements.


Supporting documents: