Agenda item

Lancaster City Council's Strategic Vision for Creativity and Culture

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thornberry)


Report of Head of Property  (report published on 3 April 2023)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thornberry)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer Sustainable Growth which sought views on the draft of the Council’s Strategic Vision for Creativity, Culture and Heritage.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: Cabinet has no amendments to the Strategic Vison and would approve of its use to inform the OBR process once adopted

Option 2: Cabinet would like to see some amendments to the Strategic Vision and would approve of its use to inform the OBR process


The Strategic Vision can progress to formal adoption and then Officers can work with partners to deliver the outcomes identified and establish the partnership.

The views of Cabinet members are integral to the successful delivery of the Strategic Vision. Any proposed amendments to the document can be integrated into a redrafted vision ahead of formal approval by Cabinet.


No disadvantages identified.

Delay the final version of the strategic vison which could have an impact on partner organisations trying to secure funding.


As with any long-term plan, there are uncertainties about the context in which the strategic vision would be delivered. This will include capacity within the service and the Council’s ability to contribute financially to delivery. However, a review mechanism has been built into the delivery planning which will allow these risks to be assessed and the vision amended accordingly.

As with any long-term plan, there are uncertainties about the context in which the strategic vision would be delivered. This will include capacity within the service and the Council’s ability to contribute financially to delivery. However, a review mechanism has been built into the delivery planning which will allow these risks to be assessed and the vision amended accordingly.


The officer preferred option is Option 1, given the high level of dialogue that has taken place in reaching the recommendations set out in this report. The degree of flexibility set out within the monitoring and evaluation process contained within the Vision framework must also be considered in reaching a decision on the recommendation.


Councillor Thornberry proposed, seconded by Councillor Heath:-


That Cabinet accepts the Lancaster City Council’s draft Strategic Vision for Creativity, Culture and Heritage and that recommendation (2) as set out in the report, be approved.”


By way of an amendment, that was accepted as a friendly amendment by the proposer and seconder, Councillor Wood  proposed that recommendation (2) be revised as follows:


“That the draft strategic vision will be used to inform the Council’s Outcome Based Resourcing (OBR) process going forward.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)     That Cabinet accepts the Lancaster City Council’s draft Strategic Vision for Creativity, Culture and Heritage.


(2)   That the draft strategic vision be used to inform the Council’s Outcome Based  Resourcing (OBR) process going forward.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer Sustainable Growth


Reasons for making the decision:


The proposal is entirely consistent with and supports Lancaster City Council’s policy. It contributes to the Plan 2030 Priorities for a smart and forward thinking council and healthy and happy communities.  The strategic vision is based on a robust evidence based and includes a set of specific creative and cultural outcomes that the Council would wish to achieve through the positioning of its support and resources.


Supporting documents: