Agenda item

Land North of Quernmore Road Quernmore Road Lancaster Lancashire

Erection of 116 dwellings (C3) with associated access, landscaping, public open space, electricity substation, foul water pumping station, sustainable urban drainage and associated infrastructure.




Erection of 116 dwellings (C3) with associated access, landscaping, public open space, electricity substation, foul water pumping station, sustainable urban drainage and associated infrastructure.

Lower Lune Valley Ward



A site visit was held in respect of this application on Monday 31st October 2022 by Councillors Vicki Boyd-Power, Dave Brookes, Keith Budden, Roger Cleet, Roger Dennison, Kevin Frea, June Greenwell, Mel Guilding, Robert Redfern, Malcolm Thomas, Sandra Thornberry and Sue Tyldesley. In attendance were Officers Eleanor Fawcett and Eric Marsden.


Under the scheme of public participation, Sarah Howe spoke against the application; and Matthew Dawber of Barton Willmore spoke in favour.


It was proposed by Councillor Tim Hamilton-Cox and seconded by Councillor Kevin Frea, contrary to the officer’s recommendation in the report:


“That the principle of development be accepted but a decision by the planning committee be deferred for a period of 12 weeks in order to provide time for further negotiations to take place on mitigating off-site highways impacts and on addressing on-site and off-site flood risk.”


Upon being put to the vote, four Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with nine against and one abstention, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been rejected.


It was proposed by Councillor Roger Dennison and seconded by Councillor June Greenwell:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report and subject to an additional condition regarding the bund and an additional condition regarding the visibility splays and subject to satisfactory completion of the related s278 Agreement and then delegated back to the Head of Planning and Place to resolve any outstanding issues.”


Upon being put to the vote, eight Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with six against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report and subject to an additional condition regarding the bund and subject to an additional condition regarding the visibility splays, and subject to satisfactory completion of the related s278 Agreement and then delegated back to the Head of Planning and Place to resolve any outstanding issues, and:


subject to a legal agreement to secure:


           Provision of 30% affordable housing as detailed in the submission;

           Financial contribution towards the provision of secondary school places;

           Financial contribution to support the bus service;

           Provision of open space;

           Travel Plan contribution;

           Setting up of a management company; and

           Management and Maintenance of all landscaping, unadopted roads, lighting

and drainage infrastructure and on-site open space;


and the following conditions:


1.     Timescale for commencement (2 years);

2.     Development in accordance with Approved Plans;

3.     Details of and erection of fence along boundary with M6;

4.     Detailed construction plan working method statement relating to site development earthworks and drainage alongside the M6;

5.     Final surface water sustainable drainage strategy to be submitted;

6.     Submission of construction surface water management plan;

7.     Details of an appropriate emergency access in relation to flood risk;

8.     Submission of construction management plan;

9.     Phased scheme of archaeological work;

10.  Details of finished floor and site levels (including gardens and open space);

11.  Submission of an Employment and Skills Plan;

12.  Ecology mitigation – including bird nesting season, information in relation to bats of T1-T4 proposed to be removed and details of bird nesting and bat roosting opportunities;

13.  Contamination – following recommendations of the report;

14.  Full details of site access, including footway along frontage;

15.  Scheme for the full engineering, drainage and construction details of the internal estate roads;

16.  Requirements of M4(2) accessibility and adaptability;

17.  Full details of noise mitigation measures;

18.  Details of vehicle charging points for properties with shared parking including infrastructure for future charging points and cycle storage provision;

19.  Details of materials including: sample panel of stone; render; brick; heads and cills; details of porches/ canopies; eaves, verge and ridge details; rainwater goods; windows and doors; external surfacing materials; boundary treatments (including retaining structures);

20.  Scheme for street lighting and any lighting in the areas of open space;

21.  Scheme for off-site highway works – possible measures to influence speeds on Quernmore Road, drop crossings to footways, review of streetlighting, review of footway widths to west of site;

22.  Sustainable drainage system operation and maintenance manual;

23.  Verification report of constructed sustainable drainage system;

24.  Travel plan;

25.  Landscape and Ecological Management Plan;

26.  Landscaping scheme – details of area to the bund required as could change;

27.  Implementation of Arboricultural Implications Assessment;

28.  Roads to be provided to base course before first occupation and completed in full before completion of the development, unless alternative phased timetable is first agreed in writing with the LPA;

29.  Development carried out in accordance with the principles within site specific flood risk assessment;

30.  No works to take place on land within the ownership of National Highways;

31.  No drainage from the development shall be connected to the drainage system of the M6;

32.  Turning and parking to be provided in full before first occupation, unless an alternative timetable for implementation is agreed;

33.  Removal of permitted development.



Supporting documents: