Agenda item

Appointments to Outside Bodies, Partnerships and Boards

Report of the Head of Democratic Services.


Council considered a report of the Head of Democratic Services to allow Council to consider its appointments to outside bodies, partnerships and boards, as set out in the report. The Mayor noted that Appendix 2 did not show the James Bond/Henry Welch Trust and it should be noted that Councillor Thornberry had attended all the Trust meetings in 2021-23. Also that the words ‘part year’ which appeared against the Leader’s name should be against Councillor Thornberry’s name.


There were vacancies on three bodies. The first was the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council.


Councillor Wood was nominated by Councillor Hartley, seconded by Councillor Robinson. There being no further nominations, the Mayor declared Councillor Wood appointed to the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council.


There were no nominations made to Relate Lancashire, Lancaster District, therefore that position remained unfilled.


No nominations were received for PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee 2022-23.


Regarding the Police and Crime Panel, Councillor Caroline Jackson, seconded by Councillor Dant, proposed the recommendation set out in the report:


“That the basis of appointment to the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel be agreed as ‘by virtue of position’, being the appropriate Cabinet member; and that the appointment be referred to Cabinet, to appoint the relevant portfolio holder for 2022-23.”


This proposition was clearly carried when put to the vote.


Councillor Geoff Knight proposed, seconded by Councillor Guilding:


“That Council notes the bodies in paragraph 4.0 of the report, which have either ceased to exist or have informed the Council that a representative is not required; and

That Council confirms that all appointments made or re-confirmed at this meeting will extend until the next City Council elections in 2023.”


It was then noted that an appointment would need to be made to PATROL as this was a mandatory requirement.


In view of this Councillor Dant nominated Councillor Dowding, seconded by Councillor Robinson. There being no further nominations, Councillor Dowding was appointed to PATROL.


Councillor Robinson informed the Mayor that in Appendix 1b of the report, his name appeared against a body he had resigned from, the George Fox School Educational Charity. He also pointed out that Councillor Lewis has resigned from the Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality Council and this body appeared against her name.


It was therefore agreed that the corrected list (appended to these minutes) be recirculated.




(1)        That Councillor Wood be appointed to the Heysham Nuclear Power Station Local Community Liaison Council.


(2)        That the basis of appointment to the Lancashire Police and Crime Panel be agreed as ‘by virtue of position’, being the appropriate Cabinet member; and that the appointment be referred to Cabinet, to appoint the relevant portfolio holder for 2022-23.


(3)        That Council notes the bodies in paragraph 4.0 of the report, which have either ceased to exist or have informed the Council that a representative is not required


(4)        That Council that all appointments made or re-confirmed at this meeting will extend until the next City Council elections in 2023.


(5)        That Councillor Dowding be appointed to PATROL.

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