Agenda item

Land North of Whernside Road Watery Lane Lancaster

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 78 dwellings (C3) with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads, footpaths and parking, re-grading of land and retaining structures, drainage infrastructure and the provision open space and equipped play area.




Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 78 dwellings (C3) with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, internal roads, footpaths and parking, re-grading of land and retaining structures, drainage infrastructure and the provision open space and equipped play area.

Skerton West Ward



A site visit was held in respect of this application on Monday 21st February 2022 by Councillors Paul Anderton, Victoria Boyd-Power, Dave Brookes, Keith Budden, Roger Cleet, Tim Dant, Cary Matthews, Robert Redfern, Malcolm Thomas and Sandra Thornberry. In attendance were Officers Mark Potts, Jennifer Rehman, Charlotte Greenhow, Alex Harrison and Eric Marsden.


Under the scheme of public participation, residents Amy Fischer, Paul Green, Peter Lovett Horn, Alan Sandham and Peter Turnbull spoke against the application; Daniel Hughes (PWA Planning) responded in favour of the application; with Ward Councillors Mandy King and Jean Parr also speaking against the application.


It was proposed by Councillor Sandra Thornberry and seconded by Councillor Dave Brookes, contrary to the officer’s recommendation in the report:


“That the application be refused on the grounds that:


1.    The proposed development, by virtue of its tight and poorly designed access arrangement, the resulting ‘backland’ character of the development, together with development elevated on the crest of the existing drumlin feature, fails to constitute high quality design and would not be in-keeping and in scale with the landscape character of the site and its surroundings. Consequently, the development fails to positively influence the overall quality of the area and would not constitute sustainable development, contrary to the requirements of Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policies DM29 and DM46 of the Development Management Development Plan Document (DM DPD).


2.    Policy DM27 states that the Council will protect amenity spaces, particularly in the main urban settlements of Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham and Carnforth that are not specifically designated as open space but have an economic, environmental, or social value. The proposed development would result in the loss of a unique area of undesignated natural open space, forming part of an existing drumlin feature with a distinct pond at its crest, within a densely built-up area of North Lancaster. The site is significantly valued and used by the local community for its social (recreation, health, and well-being) and environmental (nature conservation and local landscape) purposes. The sites uniqueness, distinctive character and openness within this urban setting positively contributes to the social and environmental appreciation of it. Furthermore, policy DM44, requires proposals to retain, protect and enhance ecological networks to prevent existing habitats from becoming fragmented and isolated. The proposed development results in the severing of existing ecological corridors (between the existing pond and woods to the north) and proposes the reengineering of the existing pond feature, thereby reducing the overall environmental value of the site further. Consequently, the proposed development would be contrary to the requirements of policies DM27 and DM44 of the Development Management Development Plan Document (DM DPD).


Upon being put to the vote, all 14 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be refused on the grounds that:


1.    The proposed development, by virtue of its tight and poorly designed access arrangement, the resulting ‘backland’ character of the development, together with development elevated on the crest of the existing drumlin feature, fails to constitute high quality design and would not be in-keeping and in scale with the landscape character of the site and its surroundings. Consequently, the development fails to positively influence the overall quality of the area and would not constitute sustainable development, contrary to the requirements of Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policies DM29 and DM46 of the Development Management Development Plan Document (DM DPD).


2.    Policy DM27 states that the Council will protect amenity spaces, particularly in the main urban settlements of Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham and Carnforth that are not specifically designated as open space but have an economic, environmental, or social value. The proposed development would result in the loss of a unique area of undesignated natural open space, forming part of an existing drumlin feature with a distinct pond at its crest, within a densely built-up area of North Lancaster. The site is significantly valued and used by the local community for its social (recreation, health, and well-being) and environmental (nature conservation and local landscape) purposes. The sites uniqueness, distinctive character and openness within this urban setting positively contributes to the social and environmental appreciation of it. Furthermore, policy DM44, requires proposals to retain, protect and enhance ecological networks to prevent existing habitats from becoming fragmented and isolated. The proposed development results in the severing of existing ecological corridors (between the existing pond and woods to the north) and proposes the reengineering of the existing pond feature, thereby reducing the overall environmental value of the site further. Consequently, the proposed development would be contrary to the requirements of policies DM27 and DM44 of the Development Management Development Plan Document (DM DPD).

Supporting documents: