Agenda item

Delivering Our Priorities: Q2 2021-22

Report of Director of Corporate Services


The Panel received a report from the Director of Corporate Services that provided an update on the status of corporate projects, performance and resources for the period July-September 2021 (Q2 2021-22). 


It was report that Cabinet had considered the Delivering Our Priorities projects, performance and resources report for Q2 2021-22 at its meeting of 7 December 2021. The Panel was now invited to consider the report and raise any comments or questions in relation to its role in scrutinising the Council’s activities and resources. 


The Panel went on to ask a number of questions relating to economic activity and the potential ongoing impact of COVID – 19, continued overspends, business rates, General Fund Summary position service variances, feasibility studies, reserves, ongoing projects and social media engagement. 


It was noted that areas of significant slippage mainly related to schemes currently within the Council’s Development Pool which are unlikely to proceed in 2021/22. Executive Management Team were reviewing these which may result in significant changes to these values. 




The Panel considered, commented and noted the updates on projects, performance and resources from July-September 2021 (Q2). 

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