Agenda item

Mayor's Transport and other Civic Matters

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Lewis)


Report of Director of Corporate Services


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Lewis)


Cabinet received a report from the Director of Corporate Services that sought decisions on the future provision of transport and staffing for the Mayor, including the possible sale of the Council’s L50 numberplate. The report also provided an update for Cabinet on the competition bid for Lord Mayor status.  The report was public with an exempt appendix.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


The options are not exhaustive. They illustrate three approaches that are feasible and may help with decision-making around the number plate, chauffeuring, security of chains and support for the Mayor at events.


 Option 1: To sell the number plate, buy a suitable electric car with the funds and create a new part time post of Chauffeur/Mayor’s Attendant (funding to be covered by the current budget for transport).


· This would bring the service back in house completely.

· Changing from a petrol car to an electric car fits with the Council’s priorities.


· The number plate is a valuable asset which may have sentimental value to some Councillors and residents.

· The number plate may not raise enough money to buy a suitable vehicle.


· The unsocial and unpredictable hours of a Mayor’s Attendant may mean that the Council does not fill the post or there is a high turnover.

· The number plate may not sell (a reserve price would need to be put on the plate to stop its sale for an unacceptably low figure).

Option 2: Create a new part time Chauffeur/Mayor’s Attendant post and use the existing electric pool cars to transport the Mayor.


· Brings the service back in house.

· Changing from a petrol car to an electric car fits with the Council’s priorities.

· The L50 number plate can be kept, possibly on display in the Mayor’s parlour


· Not an executive car, which the public are used to seeing


· None identified.

Option 3: Go out to tender for a contractor who will provide a suitable electric car and driver who can carry out the Mayor’s Attendant role as well as keep the chains secure.


· Saves time and money on jobs such as taxing/insuring/servicing/washing/cleaning the car. All will be done by contractor.

· No problems about cover when the Chauffeur/Attendant is on holiday or otherwise absent. The contractor will supply cover.

· The L50 number plate can be kept, possibly on display in the Mayor’s parlour. · Executive car will be provided.


· Solution needs to be found for keeping the chains secure out of office hours.


· There may not be any interest in tendering for the contract.


The officer preferred option from the three above is to try Option 3 in the first instance as the contract option has worked well in the past. It is not possible to predict how much interest there may be in the contract until it is advertised. The chains must be suitably secured, however and how this will be achieved is something that would need to be agreed confidentially with whoever is awarded the contract.


Councillor Lewis proposed, seconded by Councillor Hamilton-Cox:-


“That Cabinet agrees that the L50 numberplate should be sold, the proceeds of which would be ring-fenced for mayoral duties and agrees to go out to tender for a contractor to provide a suitable electric car and driver who can carry out the Mayor’s Attendant role as well as keep the chains secure.”


By way of an amendment, which was accepted as a friendly amendment by the proposer and seconder, Councillor Brookes proposed:


to delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader, Portfolio Holder and Head of Democratic Services matters consequent to this decision necessary to establish effective support for the Mayor.”


Councillors then voted on the recommendation, as amended together with recommendation (2) of the report:-




(8 Members (Councillors Dave Brookes, Kevin Frea, Tim Hamilton-Cox, Tricia Heath, Caroline Jackson, Erica Lewis, Cary Matthews & Anne Whitehead) voted in favour, and 2 Members  (Councillors  Gina Dowding & Sandra Thornberry ) abstained.)


(1)             That Cabinet agrees that the L50 numberplate should be sold, the proceeds of which to be ring-fenced for mayoral duties.


(2)             That Cabinet agrees to go out to tender for a contractor to provide a suitable electric car and driver who can carry out the Mayor’s Attendant role as well as keep the chains secure; and


(3)             That Cabinet delegates to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader, Portfolio Holder and Head of Democratic Services matters consequent to this decision necessary to establish effective support for the Mayor.


(4)             That the update on progress with the competition entry for Lord Mayor status be noted.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Executive

Director of Corporate Services


Reasons for making the decision:


A reserve price would be agreed prior to selling the L50 numberplate.  The proceeds of any sale would be ring-fenced for mayoral duties.


The decision to seek a contractor to provide an all-inclusive service is consistent with the Corporate Plan – Clean Green and Safe Neighbourhoods since the  use of an electric car for Mayoral engagements will reduce the Council’s impact on the environment. The decision will also reduce the burden on the Civic and Ceremonial Officer and Head of Democratic Services who are currently covering many Mayoral functions often in the evenings and weekends to ensure that the chains are kept secure at all times as there is an expectation for the Mayor to wear the chain of office when attending various events.


Supporting documents: