Outline application for residential development comprising 213 dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated vehicular and cycle/pedestrian access to Scotland Road and cycle/ pedestrian access to Carnforth Brow/Netherbeck, public open space, creation of wetlands area, construction of attenuation basins, erection of sub-station, installation of a pumping station and associated earthworks and land re-grading and landscaping (Pursuant to the variation of conditions 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 24, 25, 26 and 27 on planning permission 18/00365/OUT to take account of amendments to the layout of the residential development, changes to the housing mix, alterations to the associated earthworks and land re-grading scheme, amendments to the drainage scheme and changes to public open space and landscaping (including the removal of additional hedgerow).
A5 |
20/00607/VCN |
Outline application for residential development comprising 213 dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated vehicular and cycle/pedestrian access to Scotland Road and cycle / pedestrian access to Carnforth Brow / Netherbeck, public open space, creation of wetlands area, construction of attenuation basins, erection of sub-station, installation of a pumping station and associated earthworks and land re-grading and landscaping (Pursuant to the variation of conditions 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 24, 25, 26 and 27 on planning permission 18/00365/OUT to take account of amendments to the layout of the residential development, changes to the housing mix, alterations to the associated earthworks and land re-grading scheme, amendments to the drainage scheme and changes to public open space and landscaping (including the removal of additional hedgerow). |
Carnforth and Millhead Ward |
A(C) |
It was proposed by Councillor Robert Redfern and seconded by Councillor Cary Matthews:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and subject to:
· a Deed of Variation to the original planning obligation (to link the S73 permission to the original terms of the planning obligation and to substitute the POS Zonal Plan to reflect the modest changes to the green infrastructure)
· and to vary relevant definitions in respect of housing mix.”
Upon being put to the vote, all 14 Councillors voted unanimously in favour, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.
That the application be approved subject to:
· a Deed of Variation to the original planning obligation (to link the S73 permission to the original terms of the planning obligation and to substitute the POS Zonal Plan to reflect the modest changes to the green infrastructure);
· and to vary relevant definitions in respect of housing mix;
and subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report:
1. Time Limit.
2. Approved Plans.
3. Phasing plan (to include details of the delivery of the residential development, wetland habitat, landscaping and POS).
4. The existing public right of way to be formally diverted before the commencement of developed.
5. Full access details to be agreed.
6. Off-site highway works details to be agreed.
7. Development to be carried out in accordance with amended AIA with TPP and AMS to be submitted for approval.
8. Environmental Construction Management Plan.
9. Scheme for ecology mitigation and enhancement.
10. Surface water drainage scheme.
11. Foul drainage scheme.
12. Scheme for archaeological investigation.
13. Scheme for archaeological investigation for Wetland Conservation Area.
14. Site Investigation and remediation.
15. No works to commence within flood zones 3 (as part of the delivery of POS/Landscaping) until full details of any earthworks are proposed to the bike track or footpaths in accordance with the FRA.
16. Development to be carried out in accordance with Landscape Masterplan, with precise planting scheme (based on submitted details) to be agreed.
17. Lighting scheme.
18. Parking provision.
19. Boundary treatments and enclosures.
20. Details of play equipment, street furniture, paths in the POS areas and nature conservation area.
21. Drainage Maintenance.
22. Scheme of cycle provision and EV changing points to be submitted to and agreed.
23. Submission of full Travel Plan.
24. Development to be carried out in accordance with FRA and addendum FRA.
25. Development to be carried out in accordance with submitted cut/fill and site level plans.
26. Roads to be built to adoptable standards.
27. Noise mitigation to be implemented.
28. Soil importation.
29. Removal of PD.
Supporting documents: