Agenda item

St John’s Hospice, Slyne Road, Lancaster, Lancashire

Demolition of The Lodge/The Gate House (class E) and erection of a 2-storey building to create a family support centre (class E) and erection of fenced enclosure at the rear and associated footpaths.




Demolition of The Lodge/The Gate House (class E) and erection of a 2-storey building to create a family support centre (class E) and erection of fenced enclosure at the rear and associated footpaths.

Bolton and Slyne Ward



Under the scheme of public participation, Ward Councillor Jean Parr spoke in support of the application.


It was proposed by Councillor Colin Hartley and seconded by Councillor Joyce Pritchard, contrary to the officer’s recommendation in the report:


“That planning permission be granted for the reasons that the loss of the heritage asset is outweighed by the proposed use of the building; design wise the scheme complements the area; and the replacement tree planting scheme overcomes the loss of the mature tree.”


Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposition, with 2 against, and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.


It was then proposed that the planning permission be subject to the following conditions:


1.    Time limit for implementation.

2.    Compliance with approved plans.

3.    Installation of tree protection measures and compliance with measures set out within tree report.

4.    Compliance with ecological mitigation and delivery of ecological enhancements.

5.    Drainage condition as per United Utilities response.

6.    Maintenance of drainage.

7.    Details and confirmation of which parts of the existing wall shall be retained.

8.    Submission of demolition method statement and scheme of replacement building agreed.

9.    Submission and implementation of tree planting and landscaping.

10.  Delivery of electric charge point for vehicles.

11.  Notwithstanding use class, the use of building to be as approved only unless otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA.

12.  Materials to be agreed to include natural timber facing elevations.

13.  Level three building recording survey to be undertaken.


Upon being put to the vote, Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




That Planning Permission be granted for the reasons that the loss of the heritage asset is outweighed by the proposed use of the building; design wise the scheme complements the area; and the replacement tree planting scheme overcomes the loss of the mature tree, and subject to the following conditions:


1.    Time limit for implementation.

2.    Compliance with approved plans.

3.    Installation of tree protection measures and compliance with measures set out within tree report.

4.    Compliance with ecological mitigation and delivery of ecological enhancements.

5.    Drainage condition as per United Utilities response.

6.    Maintenance of drainage.

7.    Details and confirmation of which parts of the existing wall shall be retained.

8.    Submission of demolition method statement and scheme of replacement building agreed.

9.    Submission and implementation of tree planting and landscaping.

10.  Delivery of electric charge point for vehicles.

11.  Notwithstanding use class, the use of building to be as approved only unless otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA.

12.  Materials to be agreed to include natural timber facing elevations.

13.  Level three building recording survey to be undertaken.


Supporting documents: