Agenda item

Lancaster Canal Quarter: Strategic Regeneration Framework and Delivery Strategy

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Hamilton-Cox & Reynolds)


Report of Director for Economic Growth & Regeneration (report published on 5 June 2020)



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hamilton-Cox)


Cabinet received a report from the Director for Economic Growth and Regeneration to

consider the outcome of the Draft Lancaster Canal Quarter Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) statutory consultation process, and note the amendments accepted by officers and approve a final version for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to sit within the suite of Local Plan policy, advice and guidance material. The report also outlined the next steps in delivering a viable regeneration development proposal and phasing/delivery strategy, alongside the key approvals required to undertake the next stage of work.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: The final version of the Canal Quarter Strategic Regeneration Framework is not agreed as a formal publication version.  


Advantages: No advantages identified unless Members require substantive amendments to the document


Disadvantages: Delays the adoption of an SPD as required in emerging Local Plan policy.  


Risks: Future planning applications for the Canal Quarter area may be submitted outside of an agreed spatial planning framework. 


Option 2:   The final version of the Canal Quarter Strategic Regeneration Framework is agreed as a formal publication version and issued for a further four week statutory consultation period.  Should there be no substantive amendments – the document is adopted as planning policy.    


Advantages:  Enables the council to progress a cornerstone of its approach to the regeneration of the Canal Quarter site.


Disadvantages: Within the flexibility outlined in the document the SRF fixes the council’s overarching spatial approach / preferences for the future development of the area. 


Risks: Risks of progressing the SPD are mainly around reputational risk to the council of suggesting an approach which does not meet the objectives and/or does not find favour with the wider community.


However, the CQRSF document has been the subject of extensive public participation and should reflect the balance of stakeholder and community aspirations.



The Officer preferred Option is Option 2. The final version of the CQSRF presents a clear statement and position on the council’s overarching spatial approach / preferences for the future development of the area.   This will guide all future planning applications and development proposals and there can be confidence that the document reflects a balanced and considered view of the council’s aspirations as informed by extensive stakeholder / community consultation.  



Councillor Reynolds proposed, seconded by Councillor Hanson:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


By way of amendment, which was accepted as a friendly amendment, Councillor Hamilton-Cox proposed ‘that recommendation (1) be amended to include a two week consultation with members before the consultation took place enabling members the opportunity to provide a political stamp.’


Councillors then voted on the revised proposition:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)             That the final version of the Canal Quarter Strategic Regeneration Framework be agreed as a formal publication and that prior to the four week statutory consultation period a two week member consultation enabling members the opportunity to provide a political stamp be undertaken.


(2)             That should there be no substantive amendments arising from the final consultation the document is adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document.    


(3)             That pre-approval is given for officers to make bids to the Canal Quarter Reserve for use in progressing the elements of the Canal Quarter regeneration project identified in the report.




Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Director for Economic Growth and Regeneration


Reasons for making the decision:


The Canal Quarter site is a long-standing allocation within the Lancaster Local Plan.

The Final Version of the Canal Quarter Strategic Regeneration Framework (CQSRF) recognises its potential for:


·        A sustainable extension to the current city centre to facilitate growth;

·        Accommodating a range of uses, including retail, leisure, residential, cultural and wider commercial uses;

·        Retaining Lancaster City Centre’s role and function serving both the district and the North Lancashire / South Cumbria sub-region;

·        Retention of historic buildings of significance, views and the creating of public open space.   


The Local Plan is made up of the entire suite of adopted development plan documents (DPDs). An SPD is not a development plan document and it is not part of the development plan. It cannot introduce new policy, instead its role is to supplement policy in an adopted development plan document. The CQRSF is therefore compliant and does not conflict with the Local Plan and approval by Cabinet is an appropriate course of action.


The development of the CQSRF and its adoption comply with the terms of the city council’s Statement of Community Involvement and direction on public participation.


The decision provides an opportunity for a two week member consultation on the Final Version of the CQSRF prior to it being the subject of a four week statutory consultation period.  The statutory consultation and adoption of the SPDs would be carried out in

accordance with the process set out in the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. 

Supporting documents: