Agenda item

Morecambe Future High Streets

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Lewis & Hamilton-Cox)


Report of Director for Economic Growth & Regeneration (this report was marked ‘to follow’ and was published on 29 April 2020)


Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hamilton-Cox )


Cabinet received a report from the Director for Economic Growth and Regeneration which sought approval to make a bid to the MHCLG for access to the Future High Street Fund.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Submission of the FHSF for Morecambe Bid to MHCLG


Advantages: In submitting the bid Lancaster City Council can compete for Government funding of up to £25m to support the transformation of Morecambe over a number of years.


Promotes a positive approach to Morecambe’s development and viability over the next few years, with the potential to help rebuild the economy following the coronavirus crisis.


Disadvantages: None specifically at this time as all proposals will be subject to further detailed development and assessment.


Risks: No specific risks at this time.  Consideration of all risks will be required as part of decision making on detailed proposals.


Option 2: Not to submit


Advantages:  Resources to develop and deliver the programme will not be required.


Disadvantages: Lost opportunity to secure major infrastructure funding from Government for beneficial regeneration and change.


Potential for the government to request repayment of the £150k funding provided for development of the FHS proposals


Risks: Significant risk to deliverability of regeneration opportunities, ability to better integrate the town, to create economic, social and environmental impact and reap the full benefits of investment by Eden North.


The officer-preferred option is Option 1 on the basis that the Council can bid for £25m of external funding to act as a catalyst for further investment and development in Morecambe. 



Councillor Hamilton-Cox proposed, seconded by Councillor Reynolds:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”



Councillors then voted:-



During consideration of this item Councillor Jackson experienced connectivity issues which precluded her from voting.


Resolved unanimously:


(1)             That in accordance with Rule 6.15  of the Financial Procedure Rules Cabinet approval be given for the Director for Economic Growth & Regeneration to make a bid to the MHCLG for access to  the Future High Street Fund.


(2)       The fund provides an opportunity for the Council to access for external Government funding of up to £25m for Morecambe and should the bid be successful a report will be brought back to Cabinet to seek acceptance of the offer of funding.


(3)       That should any successful bid for access to the FHS funding be accepted, the         Council takes the role of Accountable Body for the FHS funding and spending programme.


(4)       That any future projects wishing to access the funding will be subject to the       Council’s executive governance procedures


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Director for Economic Growth and Regeneration


Reasons for making the decision:


The Future High Streets Funding is about delivering structural change fitting to the Morecambe Area Action Plan to make central Morecambe better as a place for people to enjoy and as a place for business and trade. It is about making places, driving footfall and transforming the conditions for investment. The decision is consistent with the Lancaster District Local Plan, the Morecambe Area Action Plan, the Council Ambitions and Corporate priorities:


Council Ambitions

·        A Thriving and Prosperous Economy

Create strong conditions for growth so that businesses thrive and jobs are created

With our partners, deliver major regeneration and infrastructure projects Support development of new skills and improved prospects for our residents Ensure that growth is good for all, and increased wealth benefits our local communities

·        Clean, Green and Safe Neighbourhoods

Deliver, work in partnership and influence to make our district’s neighbourhoods, parks, beaches and open space clean, well-maintained and safe

Work towards key parks and public spaces becoming financially self-sustaining

Use innovation, technology and partnership with others to help improve the efficiency of services, improve customer satisfaction and reduce our impact on the environment

·        Healthy and Happy Communities

Work with others to address health inequality, food and fuel poverty, mental health, loneliness

Enhance community cohesion Improve access to arts and leisure, meaningful work, public open space, quality housing

Protect and improve health focussing on early intervention and involving our communities in service design and delivery


Corporate priorities

Climate Action

Taking action to reduce the effects of climate change on our district

Community Wealth-Building

Building a sustainable and just local economy that benefits people and organisations

Community Engagement

Drawing on the wealth of skills and knowledge in the community and working in partnership

Supporting documents: