Agenda item

Budget and Policy Framework Update 2020/21 to 2023/24

Report of Cabinet


The Mayor reminded Councillors that a recorded vote would be required on the following item to comply with regulations and in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19.7 as these were ‘budget decisions’ within the terms of the regulations.


Councillor Whitehead, Cabinet Member with the portfolio for Finance, presented a report to update Council and gain its feedback on the latest position regarding the development of the Budget and Policy Framework for 2020/21 to 2023/24 and, in that context, to seek approval of the level of council tax increase for 2020/21 and for Cabinet’s proposed revenue budget for 2020/21.  Technical updates on savings and additional income analysis and the impact of Cabinet Decisions/Discussions together with an updated table on the medium term budget gaps had been made available to Councillors prior to the meeting.


Councillor Whitehead, the Leader and the Director for Communities and the Environment responded to questions from Members before Councillor Whitehead proposed recommendation (1), as set out in the report.


Councillor Hamilton-Cox seconded the recommendation.


After debate on the proposals, a recorded vote was taken.  Votes were recorded as follows:-


For the proposition:

Councillors Bannon, Biddulph, Black, Brookes, Bryning, Dant, Frea, Greenwell, Hamilton-Cox, Hanson, Hartley, Jackson Caroline, King, Lewis, Mills, O’Dwyer-Henry, Parr, Penny, Prichard, Redfern, Reynolds, Robinson, Sinclair, Stubbins, Thornberry, Whearty, Whitaker, Whitehead, Wood, and Young (30)


Against the proposition:

Councillors Anderton, Austen-Baker, Barber, Boyd-Power, Budden, Cleet, Clifford, Dennison, Evans, Firth, Gardiner, Goodwin, Greenall, Guilding, Jackson Joan, Jenkins, Knight Geoff, Knight Sarah, Matthews, Scothern, Thomas, Whitworth, Wild and Yates (24)



Councillor Anderson (1)




(1)          That a City Council tax increase of £5 for 2020/21, together with a year on year target of the maximum allowable under the Government’s local referendum thresholds for future years be approved.

Supporting documents: