Agenda item


To receive questions in accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rules 11.1 and 11.3 which require members of the public to give at least 3 days’ notice in writing of questions to a Member of Cabinet or Committee Chairman. 


The Mayor informed Council that Honorary Alderman Roger Mace had registered to ask a question as a member of the public.


The question was to the Cabinet Member for Arts, Culture, Leisure and Tourism, about the Grand Theatre and was worded as follows:


Back in April, I asked Councillor Blamire: “Has the Leader received confirmation from Mike Hardy, the Chairman of the Trustees of the Grand Theatre that he is now able to proceed without delay to apply for funding?”


Council minute 171 shows that Councillor Blamire replied: "Not directly, however the Council can say that it is fully supportive of the Grand Theatre proposals to extend its foyer and improve its facilities. The Council has written to Mike Hardy at the Grand Theatre to confirm its intention to facilitate proposed works and enter into a lease agreement to extend the existing car park."


The Canal Quarter Project is expected to go ahead with a mix of housing and retail and entertainment spaces, of which both the Grand Theatre and the Musicians Co-op form part and the two organisations need to co-exist.


Constructing the iconic new Foyer- for which the Trustees of the Grand Theatre have to raise funding - and the renovation of the Musicians Co-op, for which the Council has to raise funding - need to proceed in harmony.


There is a pressing need to confirm that the plans for the Grand can go ahead, since delay is very costly to them and it has already been delayed six months since receiving planning permission. As matters stand, there appears to be an unresolved conflict with the Musicians Co-op, arising from the City's belated - but justifiable - show of support for the aspirations of the Co-op, for the renovation of the Co-op building.


I now ask "What has the Council done since April, and what remains to be done, in order to ensure that any conflict of interest between the Theatre and the Musician's Co-op on the use of the Council's land and buildings in the Canal Quarter is resolved - and fund raising for the Theatre's new Foyer can be started?"


Councillor Parr responded to say that the Council had been working closely with Mike Hardy at the Grand Theatre with a view to supporting and assisting him with the proposals to build a new entrance foyer and associated facilities. The Council had instructed a valuation of the proposed extended demise, to include the lean-to at 1, Lodge Street. A structural survey was to be undertaken to ascertain the feasibility of demolishing the lean-to and to have a specification of works prepared to undertake the same.


The Grand would be offered a 125 year lease of the existing car park and land to the rear of 1, Lodge Street, at either a premium or by way of an annual rent with the usual 5 year rent reviews. This would provide the funders with the necessary security required in order to make any future grant award.


A letter of comfort had been sent to the Grand by the Council confirming the Council’s position in relation to the granting of a lease, the terms of which had still to be agreed.


The Council was working with the Musicians Co-op to develop their aspirations to remain in the building and develop a business plan. The Council was not aware of any conflict between the Musicians Co-op and the Grand Theatre. The lean-to extension had long ago fallen out of use, was substantially dilapidated and could contain hazardous materials.


The Council had also included the Grand Theatre as a key fundable project as part of its bid to Historic England for a High Street Heritage Action Zone in Lancaster and was working to develop an expression of interest for funding via the Heritage Lottery Fund.


The Council was committed to working alongside the Grand Theatre to assist and support its bid for funding where appropriate. The Council was similarly minded to offer the same level of support to the Musicians Co-op in developing its proposals for 1, Lodge Street.


In response to a supplementary question, Councillor Parr agreed to inform Honorary Alderman Mace of the likely timescale for this to be resolved, and assured him that she would circulate this to all Councillors, too.