Agenda item

Lancashire County Council Consultations

Report of the Democratic Services Manager.


The Committee considered a report of the Democratic Services Manager to allow the Committee to consider how they would like to respond to several consultations from Lancashire County Council regarding proposals for: Break Time; Wellbeing Service; Lancashire Waste and Recycling Service Centres; Integrated Home Improvement Services; Active Lives Service; Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Health Improvement Service and Stop Smoking Services.


The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report and explained the several consultations contained within it. It was further explained that the County Council would be holding consultation events for Officers, and that Officers would be submitting operational and technical comments where appropriate. An Officer briefing note was circulated to Members in advance of the Committee meeting for informational purposes.  


The Committee were asked for their opinions on the proposals and if/how they would like to respond to the consultations. Members were in favour of submitting a response on behalf of the Council as a formal letter, which would incorporate all seven consultations in the report.


Members felt strongly that if the County Council was to cut services/resources, it would not reduce the need for those services/resources. It was therefore felt that the impact of cutting services might cost more in the future, as the need would not be diminished and could consequently be shifted to other services. For example, if the Lancashire Break Time service were cease entirely, this may have an impact on social work care and create a demand for more resources in that area. Members felt that for most of the services in the consultations, prevention was always considered better and more cost effective than cure.


Members considered each consultation in turn and provided comments regarding the proposed cuts to the services/resources. With regard to the: Wellbeing Service; Active Lives Service, Drug/Alcohol Rehabilitation Service and Stop Smoking Service, there was an overwhelming concern for residents in the District that would be affected. Members felt that if these services were cut, there would be an increase in demand on social care work/resources, consequently creating a false economy for the County Council. There would also likely be cost implications for other services in the District such as GPs and associated health services. Members suggested that there was potential for some of the services to combine to avoid them being cut all together. By having the same management/programme, some of the health services could potentially save money and provide a better all-round service for users.


Similarly, it was felt that to cease the Lancashire Break Time service would not be cost effective long term, as statutory assessments via social work would cost more and have greater impact on the County Council’s budget. It was felt that this was an important service which provided residents with none-judgemental social interaction.


With regard to the Integrated Home Improvement Service, Members thought that this again could have potential cost implications for the City Council and could ultimately risk social isolation for residents who relied on this service to make their homes safe and accessible.


Finally, with regard to the proposed changes to the Household Waste Recycling Centres operational hours, the current arrangements were discussed as well as the advantages/disadvantages of the proposed changes. It was suggested that it was more advantageous for the centres to be open 7 days a week, but with reduced opening hours, as opposed to opening 5 days a week for longer opening hours. Further detailed information regarding usage of Salt Ayre in particular was sought by Members, as the information in the consultation appeared to be county-wide




(1)          That further information be sought from the Waste and Recycling Manager regarding current usage of the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Salt Ayre during the hours proposed for closure.


(2)  That a response to the seven consultations be drafted and circulated via email to Committee Members for their comments before submission, with the Chairman being delegated authority to approve the final draft if required.

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