Agenda item

Appointment to the Role of Chief Executive

To consider the report of the HR Project Manager. (Report to follow)


The HR Projects Manager presented a report to allow Members to consider each issue within the Committee’s remit. The terms of reference for the Committee were set out by Council when it was established on 19 December 2018.


Items discussed and decisions agreed were:


Nature of the appointment

It was agreed that the position should be full time, because of the workload involved. The pros and cons of a fixed term, versus a permanent appointment were discussed. In particular whether this would have an impact on the calibre of candidate who may apply.

Councillor Blamire moved:


 “That the post of Chief Executive should remain a full time, permanent appointment.”


This proposition was seconded by Councillor Cozler and carried, with six members voting ‘for’ and three ‘against’.


Interim arrangements

The Committee considered the options in the report for either an external appointment to an interim Chief Executive role, or to appoint a serving officer to the role on an interim, fixed term basis until the full recruitment process to the permanent position was complete. The HR Project Manager had consulted with a small pool of serving officers who would be eligible to be considered for the Chief Executive role and reported the results of those discussions to Members. The salary would be the same remuneration received by the current Chief Executive.


Councillor Blamire, seconded by Councillor Sykes, proposed:


“That, subject to his agreement, the current Assistant Chief Executive, Kieran Keane, be recommended to Council for appointment on a fixed term basis until the recruitment process is complete.”


This proposal was carried.


The HR Manager and Democratic Services Manager outlined the procedure to effect this. Firstly the HR Project Manager would speak to the Assistant Chief Executive to confirm that he was happy to proceed. Then, in accordance with the Constitutional requirements, the Democratic Services Manager would consult with all Cabinet Members to ensure that they had no objections to the appointment. The Committee also asked that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee members be involved too, and the Democratic Services Manager agreed to contact those Members as well, for any comments or objections. Committee Members also asked the Democratic Services Manager to inform party group leaders, as a matter of courtesy. Following this, the matter would be reported to Council for the appointment to be confirmed. The HR Project Manager would draft a referral report from the Committee, to be submitted either as urgent business to the Council meeting on 30 January, or the Budget Council meeting on 27 February 2019.


The issue of the job title was discussed and it was agreed that, because this was a fixed term appointment, the job title should remain ‘Chief Executive’ rather than ‘Interim Chief Executive’ or ‘Acting Chief Executive’ to reflect the fact that the post-holder had all the powers of the Chief Executive during his tenure.


Job description and person specification

The Committee decided that a four member sub-committee be formed to look at the wording of these documents with suitable advice being available at that meeting (see below regarding consultants and an advisor).


Membership of the sub-committee was agreed as Councillors Cozler, Jackson, Kershaw (Chairman) and Parkinson.


Returning officer role

Members were informed that this was the subject of a separate report to Council to be considered on 30 January 2019.


Appointment of consultants and other professional expertise to support the recruitment process

Members carefully considered submissions from professional recruitment agencies to assist with recruitment to the role. They discussed the merits of each agency with regard to the Committee’s requirements and the expertise on offer.


Councillor Pattison proposed, seconded by Councillor Rogerson:


“That Penna consultants be appointed to assist with the recruitment process.”


The Committee decided that it wished to also appoint an advisor who fully understood the role of a local authority Chief Executive, to assist with shortlisting and interviews. Several CVs of potential advisors were circulated, which Members had not seen prior to the meeting.


Councillor Jackson, seconded by Councillor Pattison, proposed:


“That Members read and consider the advisor’s CVs after the meeting and vote for their preference, with reasons, to the HR Project Manager to allow him to engage the advisor with the most votes.”


This proposition was carried.


Remuneration for the substantive role

The Committee considered remuneration for the substantive role of Chief Executive, having regard to the table of information about other Lancashire and Cumbria authorities, for comparison. Members felt that the current salary was still suitable, however, since the Director roles had been given an element of performance-related pay, the role of Chief Executive should include a similar element.


Councillor Blamire proposed, seconded by Councillor Sykes:


“That the salary for the substantive Chief Executive post be £110,000 with performance-related progression up to 10% higher (maximum of £121,000)”


This proposition was carried unanimously.


Work Programme

The Committee considered the draft work programme. The document showed the current Committee shortlisting applicants and the newly convened Chief Executive Recruitment Committee (post-May elections) interviewing the shortlisted applicants.  Members decided it would be logical to allow the new Committee to both shortlist and interview candidates. The HR Project Manager agreed to redraft the work programme to reflect those changes.




(1)       That the post of Chief Executive should remain a full time, permanent appointment.


(2)       That, subject to his agreement, the current Assistant Chief Executive, Kieran Keane, be recommended to Council for appointment on a fixed term basis until the recruitment process is complete.


(3)       That the title of the fixed term position be ‘Chief Executive’, without the words ‘interim’, ‘acting’ or similar.


(4)       That a four member sub-committee (Councillors Cozler, Jackson, Kershaw (Chairman) and Parkinson) be formed to look at the wording of these documents with suitable advice being available at that meeting.


(5)       That Penna consultants be appointed to assist with the recruitment process.


(6)       That the HR Manager engage an advisor who fully understands the role of a local authority to assist with shortlisting and interviews and (regarding appointment of the advisor):


(7)       That Members read and consider all Advisors CVs after the meeting and vote for their preference, with reasons, to the HR Project Manager to allow him to engage the advisor with the most votes.


(8)       That the salary for the substantive Chief Executive post be £110,000 with performance-related progression up to 10% higher (maximum of £121,000).

Supporting documents: