Agenda item

The initial objectives for Directors

Report of the Chief Executive. 


The Chief Executive submitted a report that enabled the Committee to consider the objectives set for the Director, and Deputy Director for Communities and the Environment, for the period to 31st March 2019. 


It was reported that on 30th April 2018 the Committee had agreed to a new pay structure for the newly proposed Director posts, which subsequently formed part of the restructure proposals approved by full Council. 


That new pay structure had been agreed as follows: -


The pay scale for Directors would commence at £80,000 with potential progression up to a band maximum 10% higher than the minimum, and progression through the grade would be by increments of approximately 1% or 2%.  Progression would be dependent on post holders achieving objectives, which would be approved by Personnel Committee prior to the commencement of each reporting year, i.e. April to March.  It should be noted that progression for all other staff (i.e. those who are not on Chief Officer terms and conditions) are approximately 2% each year until the maximum is reached.


A similar arrangement would be put in place for Deputy Directors, albeit that the minimum of the grade for this role would be £65,000. 


All salaries and pay points for these roles would benefit from the annual cost of living increases agreed nationally for Chief Officers.


It was agreed that Personnel Committee would be involved in agreeing the annual objectives set for post holders and would ultimately decide on the pay progression for Directors at the end of each reporting year, subject to the achievement of objectives.


This formal process in relation to pay increases would start from the reporting year April 2019 to March 2020.  Objectives for the current year, to the end of March 2019, should be considered by Personnel Committee, even though there will be no impact on pay progression for this current year.


The role of Personnel Committee in considering these objectives was: -


·                To ensure the objectives meet the Council’s criteria for setting objectives.

§    That the objectives are appropriate for officers at this level of seniority, and

§    That the objectives given can be reviewed objectively at the end of the reporting period with a view to measuring successful achievements.


Members were informed that, in setting objectives for Directors, the Chief Executive had, so far, met individually with the Director for Communities and the Environment to jointly agree objectives, which meet those criteria outlined, and would also meet separately with the other two Directors once they were in post.  A similar process had taken place with the Deputy Director for Communities and the Environment, and the relevant Director as line manager.


Objectives set so far focused only on the period from now until the end of March 2019. These objectives, for both officers, had a clear focus on the work initially required to move two large directorates together into one directorate.  Meeting these objectives, or otherwise, would not affect pay for the individual post holders. 


Objectives set were aligned with the overall strategic direction the Council was taking, in line with those aims agreed by full Council, contained within ‘Our Council Plan 2018- 2022’. 


It was noted that a further report would be brought to Personnel Committee relating to the objectives being set for the Director for Economic Growth and Regeneration, and the Director of Corporate Services in the New Year.


It was moved by Councillor Margaret Pattison and seconded by Councillor Sylvia Rogerson: -


“That the proposed performance objectives for both the Director and the Deputy Director for Communities and the Environment, for the period to 31st March 2019, as set out in the report, be approved.” 


Upon being put to the vote 6 Members voted in favour and 1 Member voted against, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposition carried. 




That the proposed performance objectives for both the Director and the Deputy Director for Communities and the Environment, for the period to 31st March 2019, as set out below, be approved: -


Director for Communities and the Environment – Objectives to 31 March 2019


Objectives for the post holder have been set primarily to focus on the need to merge the two previous departments together, i.e. Environment and Health and Housing, as well as incorporating the existing customer service function, which previously sat within the Resources department.  As this new Directorate contains the majority of staff and services within the council, the focus for the short term is around bringing the teams together, considering any overlap in service delivery, and delivering service excellence.


The objectives proposed for this post holder are as follows: -


·                Gain formal agreement to the strategic direction of the new Directorate by Cabinet by February 2019.

·                Jointly with the Deputy Director, design the organisational structure required to support the strategic direction of the new Directorate, and gain Personnel Committee approval for the principles of the structure, by March 2019.

·                Commence the process to populate the revised structure for the Directorate by March 2019.

·                By the end of March, provide early initial options to reduce net revenue budgets across the Directorate for the 2020/2021 budget, by at least £1M, to meet the target in the Council’s MTFS.


Deputy Director for Communities and the Environment – Objectives to 31 March 2019


The proposed objectives are as follows: -


·                Jointly with the Director, design the organisational structure required to support the strategic direction of the new Directorate, and gain Personnel Committee approval for the principles of the structure, by March 2019. 

·                By March 2019, review performance measures across the Directorate and propose a new set of performance standards and measures, which will deliver a more outcome focussed approach aligned with the new Council Plan. 

·                Carry out a high level strategic review of council housing future direction and opportunities by March 2019, engaging with members, staff and tenants, and developing proposals for improvement. 

·                By March 2019, oversee the production of a fully comprehensive business case for the option to transfer Salt Ayre Leisure Centre to an LATC, to be considered by elected members in Summer 2019.

·                By March 2019, securing support from health and wellbeing partners for the Council’s overall approach to maximising joint working and meeting common objectives, as defined in the Council Plan. 


Supporting documents: