Agenda item

Canal Quarter Progress Update

To consider the report of the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Planning.


Report to follow.


Councillor Janice Hanson presented her report updating Council on progress with the Canal Quarter. The report was public, however Appendix C was exempt under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


She responded to a number of questions from Councillors, assisted by the Regeneration Manager and the Planning Manager.


Councillor Hanson proposed:


“That recommendations 1 to 6 and recommendation 8, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillor Hughes seconded the proposition.


Councillor Hamilton-Cox proposed an amendment, to remove recommendations 6 and 8 from the proposition.

Councillor Barry seconded the amendment.


A lengthy debate on the amendment followed before a vote was taken and the amendment was clearly lost.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Peter Williamson regarding recommendations 5 and 6:


“To refer decisions on recommendations 5 and 6 back to full council.”


This was not accepted as a friendly amendment by Councillor Hanson or her seconder. Councillor Edwards seconded Councillor Williamson’s amendment, which was put straight to the vote. The amendment was lost.


The Mayor called for a vote on the original proposition, which was clearly carried.


At this point Councillor Hanson proposed the exclusion of the press and public for discussion regarding recommendation 7 of the report. Councillor Pattison seconded the proposition. A vote was taken and the proposition was clearly carried.




That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for remaining business on this item, on the grounds that it could involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 Schedule 12A of that Act.”


The Chief Officer (Resources), the Regeneration Manager and the Assistant Chief Executive responded to a number of Members’ questions on Appendix C of the report.


Councillor Hanson proposed:

“That recommendation 7, as set out in the report, be approved.”

Councillor Hughes seconded the proposition.


Councillor Peter Williamson proposed an amendment, to delete bullet point four, which read:  “Cabinet being granted delegated authority to acquire any land which is part of the Canal Quarter development, and to authorise any associated works.”


Councillor Cooper seconded the amendment. There was a short debate before a vote was taken and the amendment was lost.


Councillor Brookes then proposed an amendment, which was accepted as a friendly amendment by Councillor Hanson and Councillor Hughes. The amendment was to replace the words “any land” in bullet point 4 with the words “the two land holdings identified in Appendix C”.


A vote was then taken on the proposition to accept recommendation 7, complete with the friendly amendment, which was clearly carried.



That Council


Development Proposals


(1)     Notes progress on the emerging draft Development Framework and the draft Consultation / Engagement Plan including the work undertaken to date by Planit;


(2)     Authorises the necessary changes to the Local Development Scheme to produce a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) with responsibility delegated to Planning Policy Cabinet Liaison Group;




(3)     Notes the proposal that Cabinet agrees the creation of any legal entity as appropriate to facilitate the effective delivery of the overall project.


(4)     Notes the deed of termination of development agreement with British Land dated 19 June 2018.




(5)     Authorises the Chief Executive on behalf of the Council to conduct negotiations and further due diligence work in relation to the potential acquisition of land and buildings in the Canal Quarter area.


(6)     Authorises the Chief Executive on behalf of the Council to enter into negotiations with potential development partner(s) which may include any other property owner.


(7)     Approves the budgetary framework as set out in the exempt Appendix C of the report and authorises its use for progressing the scheme, providing for:


·         the renaming of the Canal Corridor Reserve to the Canal Quarter Reserve;

·         a £186K transfer from the Capital Support Reserve to the Canal Quarter Reserve;

·         an increase in the Council’s underlying need to borrow (known as the Capital Financing Requirement) (as set out in the table at paragraph 1 of Appendix C);

·         Cabinet being granted delegated authority to acquire the two landholdings identified in Appendix C of the report which are part of the Canal Quarter development, and to authorise any associated works;

·         the Chief Executive, in consultation with  the s151 and Monitoring Officers, being granted delegated authority to pursue relevant external funding bids, subject to any such opportunities being in line with the overall budget and development framework for the scheme; and

·         the Chief Executive being granted delegated authority for commissioning professional consultancy in support of progressing the scheme.


              Future Reporting


(8)          Requires Cabinet to report progress on the progress of the scheme to full Council on 14 November 2018.


The meeting adjourned at 8.55pm and reconvened at 9.10pm

in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1.


Supporting documents: