Agenda item

Work Programme

To consider items for the Committee’s Work Programme for the forthcoming year.


Members considered the outstanding issues on the Committee’s Work Programme and suggestions that had been put forward by Management Team and Councillors.


One issue that had been raised was that of the length of Council meetings. The Committee discussed this at length.


Resolved :-


That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend to the Constitutional Sub Group of Council:-


(1)  That the Sub Group recommend to Council that June and October meetings of full Council be re-instated.


(2)  That a separate full Council meeting be arranged for any substantial agenda items.


(3)  That the Monitoring Officer and Members of Council Business Committee be made aware of these recommendations.




Matter for Consideration



Comments/Expected Date of Meeting

Officer Responsible /External



Salt Ayre



LATC progression. 


Note: Suggest invite all members of Council to meetings of O&SC. 


December 2018.


Chief Officer (Heath & Housing).

A report to O&SC.


A Member Briefing for all Members to take place in Autumn on LATCs in general.



Commercial Strategy





Spring 2019.


Assistant Chief Executive. 

Report to O&SC by Spring 2019.



Universal Credit issues



The subject is how people in our district are dealt with.


 Early 2019.


Poverty Truth Commission.


Request a report from Poverty Truth Commission who are undertaking a piece of work on this issue.



Canal Quarter









Scope Task Group to look at lessons learnt and due diligence.



Lancaster Traffic Masterplan




That the Committee request an update from Lancashire County Council on its Traffic Masterplan, which included the gyratory system in Lancaster City Centre.


(Minute 25 - 29th Nov 2017).



March 2018.



Arrange a Member Briefing provided by Lancashire County Council. Ensure the Briefing covers the City’s gyratory system.


Review of Policies and Procedures in place for dealing with Major Flooding Incidents. 



Resilience Commission Task Group.



To remain as a standing item on the work programme.


Any major flooding works to be reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


(Min 16 - 20th September 2017).


That the Committee request information from partners and agencies on the reporting process and possible sharing and referring of information, in the period following the initial emergency.


(Minute 26 - 29th Nov 2017).



April 2018. 


Chief Officers (Heath & Housing), (Environment) and also

Regeneration & Planning. 



Remove from Work Programme.


Update report on Health Scrutiny. 




Note:  OSC given permission by CBC to undertake preparatory work in response to the consultation, with the final response to be considered by CBC, in line with the standard procedure, if and when appropriate to do so.  (CBC Min 8 – 27th June 2013 refers). 



April 2018. 




Invite all City Council’s incl. the City Council representative on the County Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee.




Any updates to be circulated to Members by email.


Ideal Choice process. 


The City Council is about to review the Choice Based lettings system, which will include an upgraded Ideal Choice software. This will be reported to the Committee once this is complete. 


That a visit to the Council Housing Service be arranged to allow Members of the Committee to see how the system works first hand. 


(Min 16 - 20th September 2017).



Late 2018.


Chief Officer (Heath & Housing). 




Circulate details of the process.


Informal meeting with relevant officers about the Ideal Choice process. Invited all Members and Tenants Forum reps.


Update on the Peer Review. 


To include Councillors Skills and Information.


Whilst progress against the Peer Review recommendations continues, the Chief Executive will be reporting on these initiatives at a future meeting. The recommendations will also be taken forward through a new Corporate Plan and associated monitoring, which is currently being developed.


(Min 16 - 20th September 2017).



The Chief Executive will report on initiatives at a future meeting.




Chief Executive. 





Take forward - Councillors skills and information.



Report to be produced for O&SC by March 2019 – Any recommended methods to be trialled with Cabinet and O&SC Members, prior to Member Induction in May/June 2019.



Housing – Delivery of need:


(1)  How do we manage the need of required changes. 


(2) How do we deliver property change/   modification to meet residents need. 



That the two issues that emerged from the training session be explored further.


(12th July 2017). 


Ascertain meeting date. 


(Min 16 - 20th September 2017). 



Autumn 2017. 


Ascertain meeting date. 



Chief Officer (Heath & Housing),




Annual consideration of Older People’s Issues (inviting Age UK and other relevant agencies).






Summer 2018.


External Organisations/

Chief Officer (Heath & Housing).   


Invite Cabinet Member with Responsibility. 




Community Safety Partnership.


Annual meeting to consider Community Safety issues.




Note:  The Committee undertakes the functions of the Council’s crime and disorder committee for the purposes of Section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006, including CCfA relating to crime and disorder matters. 



November 2018. 



Chief Officer (Environment).

Invite Chief Inspector and the relevant Cabinet Member with responsibility. 


Agree in September what is to be considered at November meeting.


Suggest invite the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour team to the meeting.


Request issues from all Councillors and agree at September meeting.




Information to be provided with the agenda.



Promoting the Local Economy and the Sustainable Economic Growth Strategy.



Committee have requested this to be prioritised. 



Raised as a Cllr suggestion, consideration of report prior to Cabinet (Min 15 refers - 8th July 2015). 


That Morecambe BID be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss promoting the Local Economy.

(Min 4 refers - 8th June 2016). 


Request information from the Chief Executive as to what the Council is doing to promote the District to encourage business to invest here.


Invite the relevant Cabinet Member.


(Min 16 - 20th September 2017). 





It is anticipated that this strategy will be presented to Cabinet  and there will be an opportunity for wider member involvement in the run up to that process. 







Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) and Morecambe BID. 



Keep on Work Programme for October meeting.


Review Draft Strategy – provided with the agenda.



Air Quality Control.


A further update report in 2018 to take into account the impact of the Bay Gateway link road on air pollution in the district.

Ascertain a date for this update.

(5th April & 20th Sept 2017).


Date to be ascertained. 




Chief Officer (Health & Housing). 


A Briefing Note to be circulated.


Lack of Support for People with Mental Health issues in the Community. 


That the Committee invite the Lancashire Care and Cumbria Trust to a future meeting to discuss the lack of support for people with mental health issues in the community. 

(Minute 19 - 18th October 2017). 







Lancashire Care and Cumbria Trust.


What is the County Council doing to address the impact on the City Council’s services as our resources are stretched and as the City Council is not qualified to deal with.


Invite early intervention team to a meeting – seen as a model of good practice.



Morecambe Market



That the Markets consultation be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee once it was completed.

(Minute 38 – 10th January 2018).





Chief Officer (Environment).





Voluntary Community and Faith Sector Commissioning Framework




That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee look at the voluntary community and faith sector commissioning framework and other issues raised and report back to Cabinet within the next financial year. 

(Minute 37 – 10th January 2018). 





Working Group to consider and report to O&SC. 



Informal Working Group reported to the Committee.


Persistent Complainers


Consider the ongoing costs to the Council.


September 2018.



An Informal meeting to be arranged with the Monitoring Officer.



Campervans and HGVs parking on Morecambe Promenade.











Ask the County Council to cover this in the Member Briefing on the Traffic Masterplan.


(See Earlier)


The Council’s policy on Autism.








Request Lancashire County Council’s Policy on Autism and circulate.



Solar Farms/Panels.




Consider Scoping of a Task Group.




Circulate the Briefing Note from the previous Council meeting (25/07/18).


Review in Sept- ember once the implications for the City Council of the Motion on Climate Change that was agreed at Council is confirmed.