Agenda item

Executive Team Structure

Report of the Chief Executive. 


The Interim HR Manager submitted a report to enable the Committee to note the detailed proposals to restructure the executive team, to consider and agree a reward strategy for the proposed new senior roles and to agree the selection processes for the proposed new roles.  It was suggested that although it was not possible to prejudge the outcome of any consultation or decision-making, it was prudent to consider at this stage how any selection decisions might be made and the likely pay structure, as these elements would help inform the final decision making for Cabinet in June 2018.


The Interim Head of Legal & Governance was requested to clarify further his written advice with regard to terms of reference, call in and decisions which the Chairman had requested prior to the meeting.


The Chairman suggested that the Committee might wish to consider the first recommendation only at this point, leaving consideration of the second recommendation to a subsequent meeting after the expiry of the call-in period.


After the majority of Members agreed to this, considerations were therefore restricted to sections (1) and (3) of the exempt report which related to proposals for a new executive team structure and chief officer pay.  Members considered the options for a new reward strategy as detailed in the exempt report and the Interim HR Manager responded to questions.  The Interim HR Manager explained that the adoption of Option C was recommended as this would significantly raise the profile of performance management within the Council, at Director Level and below and make a valuable contribution to a cultural shift where performance and a focus on achievement formed a key element of every role in the Council.  The Committee was advised that it could agree in principle that a reward strategy with an element of pay in relation to performance be consulted on and officers would work up further details.


The Committee agreed unanimously to the following recommendation:


“That conditional on the outcome of consultations with staff and unions on the proposal for a restructure and further decisions in terms of implementation, the Personnel Committee approve the proposed reward strategy in relation to the proposed new Director roles.”


The Chairman expressed her reluctance to consider recommendation (2) at this point and advised the meeting that she proposed deferring that recommendation to a later meeting.  After seeking confirmation from the Interim HR Manager that deferring consideration of recommendation (2) would not hold up the consultation process and further clarification of the legal advice provided by the Interim Head of Legal & Democratic Services, the Committee agreed unanimously not to consider recommendation (2) at this point.


In response to the Chief Executive’s suggestion that the Committee flag up their concerns regarding the proposed selection process the Chairman confirmed that the recruitment process needed to accord with the Constitution involving all of the Personnel Committee and that if it was intended to include portfolio holders in the interview process they could be there as Personnel Committee substitute members. The Chairman invited the Committee to email any further comments to the Chief Executive prior to the Personnel Committee meeting, which would be convened in May 2018. The Interim HR Manager would liaise with Democratic Services to find an appropriate date for the meeting.





(1)          That conditional on the outcome of consultations with staff and unions on the proposal for a restructure and further decisions in terms of implementation, the Personnel Committee approve the proposed reward strategy in relation to the proposed new Director roles.



(2)          That consideration of recommendation (2), ‘to consider and approve the proposed processes for selection for the proposed new Director roles’, be deferred to a subsequent meeting.


(3)          That Committee Members be invited to email any comments with regard to recommendation (2) to the Chief Executive.


(4)          That the Interim HR Manager liaise with Democratic Services to arrange a suitable date for the Personnel Committee to convene in May 2018.